10.06.2014, 20:00
(Tento příspěvek byl naposledy změněn: 11.06.2014, 18:28 uživatelem Jamis. Edited 7 times in total.)
For English, including the How To Use manual, please scroll a little till 2nd logo. Thanks 

![[Obrázek: Czequestria_Header_Draft3_zps1f9fd3ca.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Czequestria_Header_Draft3_zps1f9fd3ca.png)
Czequestria - 1. CZ/SK bronies My little pony: Friendship is Magic convention
Web Link: www.czequestria.cz
Datum: 30-31.8. 2014 (+29.8. 2014 LARP!)
Místo: KD Krakov, Praha, CZ
Jazyk: Anglicky a Česko-Slovensky
FaceBook Link na událost: https://www.facebook.com/events/291892140969974/
Twitter Czequestria: https://twitter.com/Czequestria
Twitter Libuše: https://twitter.com/MissLibussa
LINK: http://www.kreativcisobe.cz/czequestria-...roject=307
Vážení přátelé, kamarádi i všichni ostatní, (Serious face!)
Czequestria 2014 se nám pomalu blíží a lístky ubývají uspokojivým tempem. Rozprodání vstupenek Castle Royale během několika minut pro nás bylo velmi milým překvapením a krátce nato jsme byli doslova zahrnuti dalšími dotazy nejen na možnost dodatečného zakoupení dalších figurek Libuše, ale i na jiné předměty s naším milovaným maskotem. Rozhodli jsme se proto, po vzoru našich přátel z Galaconu, Bronydays a dalších, spustit crowdfundingovou kampaň za lepší Czequestrii! Čeká na vás výběr krásných dárků a dokonce i velmi limitovaná 3D figurka Libuše!
Díky, že nám pomáháte udělat Czequestrii takovou, aby byla důstojným conem mezi ostatními v Evropě!
-Czequestria 2014 Crew
![[Obrázek: Czequestria_Header_Draft3_zps1f9fd3ca.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Czequestria_Header_Draft3_zps1f9fd3ca.png)
Czequestria - 1. CZ/SK bronies My little pony: Friendship is Magic convention
Web Link: www.czequestria.cz
Date: 30-31.8. 2014 (+29.8. 2014 LARP event )
Location: KD Krakov, Prague, CZ
Language: English and Czech/Slovak
FaceBook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/291892140969974/
Twitter Czequestria: https://twitter.com/Czequestria
Twitter Miss Libussa: https://twitter.com/MissLibussa
Crowdfunding website: http://www.kreativcisobe.cz/czequestria-...roject=307
How to use Crowdfunding website "Kreativcisobe"
Step 0 - go to Crowdfunding website
Step 1 - starts off with the button on the projects front page.
![[Obrázek: Step1_zpsca2697d6.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Step1_zpsca2697d6.png)
Step 2 + 3 - has 2 parts, you select your reward, type in the amount of money that you wish to donate and type in a message - IMPORTANT: If T-shirt selected, we need your SIZE and if Male or Female cut. You also select if the donation should be displayed publicly or not.
![[Obrázek: Step2_zpsa9785005.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Step2_zpsa9785005.png)
![[Obrázek: Step3_zps75a7e0e6.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Step3_zps75a7e0e6.png)
Step 4 - register new account or sign in, if you already have account
![[Obrázek: Registration_zps45924046.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Registration_zps45924046.png)
Step 5 + 6 - has 2 parts, you select your payment type (only card payment available for donation outside of Czech Republic), check the review of the donation, tick the box and confirm. Done!
![[Obrázek: Step4_zps03577ae7.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Step4_zps03577ae7.png)
![[Obrázek: Step5_zps98b7ca94.png]](https://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii72/CommandoCZ/Czequestria/Step5_zps98b7ca94.png)
Crowdfunding website: http://www.kreativcisobe.cz/czequestria-...roject=307
Dear followers, friends and everypony else,
Czequestria 2014 is coming fast and the tickets are leaving our system at good rate! The absolute disappearance of all of the Castle Royale tickets in a flash was quite a surprise to us! Right after this, we were assaulted by a large amount of questions, requests and pleads for the possibility to acquire either the figurine or any other items with our mascot. Therefore, after weighting in all of the facts and figures, we've prepared a crowdfunding campaign! They seem to be quite popular among other conventions, such as Galacon, Bronydays and others. This campaign will help improve Czequestria and its guest list, if successful! So get ready for a selection of interesting goodies to choose from and feel good about it, as you are helping us move this thing into next level! This will be one of your last chances to obtain 3D printed sandstone figurine of Miss Libussa!
Thanks for supporting Czequestria and helping us make it a convention that can stand its own ground within Europe!
-Czequestria 2014 Crew

Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !
CZ/SK bronies z.s.