Připisuju si Tulpae na seznam super věcí které chci zkusit až budu mít několik měsíců volného času Myslíte, že se dá Tulpae přesvědčit/donutit k tomu, aby si vytvořil/a další Tulpae? Protože Tulpaeception by mohla být zajímavá zkušenost
Pro všechny, kteří to chtějí zkusit, protože to je super/zajímavý/pomůže mi to ve škole atd... Přečtěte si tohleto:
Já vím, je to hodně dlouhý, ale prosím, alespoň se nad tím zamyslete...
Citace:A lot of people these days don't realize just how serious of a matter this whole thing is. Many people don't think much farther in the future than when their tulpa is complete, and they can have fun with them. They don't seem to completely grasp the fact that this is a lifelong commitment. Your tulpa will be with you for the rest of your life, and they will be some form of responsibility that entire time. You need to understand the weight of this truly, before you decide to make one.
This should not be a decision you make in a night. I made my tulpa the very day I found out about the phenomenon. I still occasionally regret that fact, to this day. This is something that you should research and think about--maybe even for a few weeks. It should not be an impulsive decision. This is another life we are speaking of.
Also, I'm going to stop you children right here. You should not make a tulpa. Here I will quote JDBar, because I think he illustrates my point very well:
"Tulpamancy should be approached with a mature mindset, anything less will fail to understand the weight of creating a sentient thoughtform. A message to thirteen-year-olds and those of similar age, you have not matured enough to create a tulpa. While you may be capable of acting mature for your age, you simply are not mentally developed yourself. Throughout your school years, you will continue to change as a person, discovering significant new things about yourself and others and forming new beliefs and opinions. Until you have a solid foundation for your own mind and personality, and are beyond the influence of crazy teenage hormones, it is irresponsible for you to take on the task of developing someone else's mind and personality."
I don't believe anyone of that age should be creating a tulpa, honestly, but I can't stop you.
Also, just because you're not a little kid doesn't mean that you're in the clear. There are plenty of adults that aren't mature enough to create a tulpa, but there's nothing I can do about them. So I'm addressing you young adults, and teens.
You need to sit down and ask yourself: are you mature enough for this? I know most of you probably think you're mature. Almost everyone does. But you need to take some time to sit down, set your ego aside, and truly examine yourself with some objectivity. And keep in mind, you can't cheat on this test. If you show me that you're mature by making a tulpa when you're really not, you're not getting at me. The only one who is going to suffer is yourself--and maybe your tulpa. I only brought this up to warn you; because if you're not mature enough, or you create them for the wrong reasons, you're going to regret you ever started, at some point in your life. I promise you.
There are people running around in the tulpa community who make tulpas as sex slaves--or kill them off impulsively when they get bored, or they don't turn out exactly as they want. These kind of people absolutely disgust me. Some of them justify their actions based on the fact that there is no proof that they are actual living beings with feelings. How sick can you get? They are perfectly fine with "killing" something, because there's a chance that they might not be alive.
If you are the kind of person who is capable of that, walk away now. I don't want to see you anywhere near this community.
There is no excuse to kill off your tulpa. I don't care if you get bored, or they don't interest you anymore. You sign up for this responsibility as soon as you start making a tulpa. When you do, you need to see it to the end. Otherwise, you're just like the people I just mentioned before.
Beyond whether you as a person are mature enough to make a tulpa, you should only do it for the right reason. Here are some reasons that are not good enough to create a tulpa, that I've seen a lot.
You should not create a tulpa specifically for their form. This mainly applies to those of you who are fangirls about something. Creating a tulpa specifically so that you can stare at your favorite anime character, or Twilight Sparkle in real life is unbelievably shallow. A tulpa is not their form, and they should not be treated as such. How would you feel if you found out that you were created just because your creator liked someone else a lot?
Similar to not creating a tulpa for their form, you should not create a tulpa for the sole purpose of having sex with it. I mean really. Just how pathetic can you possibly get? I'm not necessarily against tulpa-sex in general, but creating one just because you don't have any game in real life, or because you want to have sex with a pony is too sad for words. Imagine how that would make them feel. Knowing that they were only created as a sex doll.
To branch off of the above reason, you should not create a tulpa to be used as a tool of any kind. That includes as a sex slave. Furthermore, they should not be created just because you need help with your homework. Tulpas can help you in a lot of ways, and they probably will--but creating one only because you want them to do things for you is horrible. That reason does not make for strong bonding. Living beings are not tools. Don't be selfish.
You should not create a tulpa just because it sounds cool, and you have nothing better to do. Like I said before, this is a very serious thing--it is not to be taken lightly. If you do something because you're bored, then that means you must not have thought it over well enough.
If you do decide to do this even after thinking hard about it, just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into. You need to see this through to the end, and treat your tulpa with all the love and respect that you can. I don't care if you think tulpas aren't separate beings or not. You should give them the benefit of the doubt.
You need to know that you're capable of giving them the time they need. You need to know that you have the patience to wait for their development, even if it takes a lot longer than you thought it would.
So now you need to make the decision. If you decide that you're not mature enough, and or you can't handle it, then I respect that greatly.
If you decide that you can do it... Well then, good luck to you.
I hope you know yourself well enough.
Je to součástí guide od Kiahdaj, což je asi to nejobsáhlejší, na co jsem zatím narazil. Pokud o tomto někdo přemýšlí, rozhodně se to vyplatí si přečíst
Mada velmi zujímavé(presne na hrane mojej angličtiny).
Vela som sa poučil a som si istý že to vela ludom pomôže. Možno to aj trochu odialim ja mam dosť slabu pubertu(na moj vkus) ale aj tak si asi počkám podrobne naštudujem(hlavne by som sa mal naučiť koncetrovať) a vypišem spis tulpieho spravania, vzhladu...
Když už si o tom chceš přečíst více, zkus si projít ještě další věci na fóru tulpa.info. Doporučuji sekci Guides (návody) a sekci Tips & Tricks (tipy a triky). Docela zajímavé jsou ještě věci v sekci Research (výzkum).
Po více než roce, co se motám okolo tohoto fenoménu jsem se konečně rozhodl s tvorbou tulpy začít. A doufám, že to i dotáhnu do konce. Zatím vím akorát to, že se jmenuje Kate (čti anglicky). Původně měla být poník (pegas, bílá srst, žlutá hříva), ale nakonec jsem se rozhodl nechat finální podobu na ní. Možná, že bude mít i jiné jméno. A také jsem zjistil, jaký neuvěřitelný bordel mám v hlavě
Pokud se stane něco zajímavýho, budu informovat
Citace:“I have three tulpas,” says Jick Clinton, a game design student from Plymouth. “They’ve been with me 20 months; their names are Twi, Dash and Scoots. They are three anthropomorphic ponies about a foot high.”
Made mám takový dojem, že tu někdo říkal, že není dobré, aby se vzhled či rasa nechala na tulpě... Ale nejsem si tím úplně jistý. (Abys nakonec z Kate něměl Kelvina ) BTW a co myslíš tím bordelem?
EDIT: Ah k to je blbost... takhle to nefunguje, mkay...