Poems of Moon - Verze k tisku +- Bronies.cz (https://bronies.cz) +-- Fórum: Tvorba (https://bronies.cz/Forum-Tvorba) +--- Fórum: Literatura (https://bronies.cz/Forum-Literatura) +---- Fórum: Tvorba členů (literatura) (https://bronies.cz/Forum-Tvorba-clenu-literatura) +---- Téma: Poems of Moon (/Vlakno-Poems-of-Moon) |
RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 07.11.2016 Butterfly
Dark skies clouded my mind making me deaf, making me blind All those pretty smiles were lies, just a few more lies I could not trust, i could not believe locked myself in, in fear and grief hatred and sadness filling my heart my empty void with no beginning or end Just me, myself and I in the dark no hapiness, no loveful spark Just broken dreams and tearful river streams Until that day, the day i met you my primrose mare all i say is true You filled my void and you fix my broken life clock You cured my pain and took down that crushing-my-heart rock I was lost in darkness but now, thanks to you i see I said things i did not mean and you trusted me i tried to run away and hide but you stopped me i wanted to cry and fall to my knees but you smiled at me You warmed up that frozen fire in me You showed me what could one day be No matter how many times i failed You helped me back up when i felt I could look into your eyes for days and nights Those cyan stars my heart's lighthouse lights Your voice a nature's soothing melody warming my heart like a soft fur your body You might not speak up much you like to stay outside a lot you could never leave your friends behind I'm glad, after all, you're one of a kind RE: Poems of Moon - Rwakk - 14.11.2016 Ta poslední báseň je velice emotivní. Pořád lituji že má angličtina prostě není dobrá a nedokážu si ji vychutnat v plném znění, ale pochopil jsem smysl slov. RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 26.12.2016 Čas radosti Mysl je temná se svíčkou ve středu oheň plápolá, pod ním taje srdce z ledu úsměv falešný v pravý se mění, ráda mám noc a o Luně snění. Vidím paprsky měsíčné a první vločky sněhu V objetí hřevivém cítím lásky něhu. Beze strachu a s klidem v duši objímám plnou emocí sněho-bílou růži. Vzpomínám na časy, kdy sama jsem byla a věřila, že tak by jsem žíti chtěla. Jak naivní srdce mladé, když nevidí budoucna jas Přes černý závoj nevnímá letitý stříbrný vlas. Neztrácej úsměv a nech své srdce láskou plát radost ať ti duši naplní, pak není čeho se bát. Paprsky stříbrné z měsíčního svitu první a poslední z prvotního citu. V bílé místnosti na stole malý stromek sedí kolem jsou ozdoby a na vrchu usazeno jmelí v ozdobách vánoce minulé lze zřít jen lehký pohled do vzpomínek tě může vzít Jmelí s červenou mašlí a zvonkem po straně místnost naplní vůni, ač je sotva do dlaně připomínka, že vánoční čas je pořád kolem nás a ač občas jsou časy temné, jsem ráda že mám vás Bronies já znám a jsem ráda že tak poník jako symbol, ten přátelství znak. Nový rok příjde s novou serie, už se těším co tam najdem tak doufám, že máte hezké vánoce a štastný nový rok vám všem. RE: Poems of Moon - Alexie - 27.12.2016 Líbí se mi tvoje vyjadřovaní, jen tak dál. Ta poslední sloka mi tam ovšem nesedí, působí tak trochu jako část jiné básně. Znám to z mojí vlastní tvorby - máš nějaké schéma, držíš se ho, chceš báseň určitým způsobem zakončit. Ke konci už ovšem jde hůře najít vhodná slova a nepůsobí to vzhledem k celku dobře. Zkus si to co znovu přečíst s odpočatou hlavou, psaní zdar RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 14.03.2017 Two sides of harmony For days that long gone past i wish from depth of my heart to one day see you like a different spark spark of peace and hope in my new life once i feared this light like a shadow hiding, shunning away every little piece of you i could not take the truth how rotten my soul in those times those days full of hate would you believe if i told you now i might have felt the same way i used to enjoy the lack of light and the fear i struck in others setting their heart ablaze with fright how long could the journey from darkness of the past take me and how long will it last? why you~ do i have to ask? Once i would run, i would flee rather then close, far away i wished to be I was not scared, nor frithened or petrified...well not at that time I didn't run from you or your light nor warmth, but from me, you see? was i lost? maybe a bit on the edge of me i stood ready to jump my mind going blank, my body feeling numb just one step to fall, just one and only throught but then i heard a voice, voice and kind words Long burried and forgotten, and forbitten by me due to longing, thus going insane but how precious they are, how wonderful they sound and how they wash away my pain maybe i am lost and maybe i just used to be long gone i was, maybe stone or tree, but not free i used dismiss what was true and real and what i through wasn't important to me Once i would run, i would flee once i would silence your voice i could hear once i could not stand that sound, making me care about but now i can't go on without RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 04.05.2017 Valley of sun
Darkness, Darkness and whispers nightmare slithers and then by light shooed away thank you sister once again i open my eyes feeling the time is near time for sun to rise and wake my dear they still don't see me that way ...i'm afraid i walk among them each day and still can feel the fear perfect i've been called so, so many times i wish they could see me as i stand not a princess but a pony as they are oh sister tell me how but a day went by and you're seen more free than me a day surpasses centuries it seems i once asked my twilight dear question about me with answer clear what am i to you as a pony is to a pony you're my mentor, friend and princess but not just me, to everypony friend. as beautiful as that word may be it's rarely aimed at me i'd like to think that's how see me many but i know it's hardly any Lack of light
Sometimes in darkness i sit in my room looking through the window at the moon thin rays of light sparkling my eye making me light making me fly dream arrived and i fell in time for our tango to begin we dance this dance each and every night through plains of imaginations until the first beam of light Which tears away you and me not listening to my words of plea i watch it all crumble down to nothingness i want to stop it but won't nonetheless morning sun makes it all fade away and thus night ends and here begins the day and once again tired like flower withered missing that dark embrace i shivered not cold but lone not scared but left cycle repeats but i'm out of breath damn you i cry and shout breathing-heaving aloud you bright shinning star why must you ruin my time i wish just to be gone of you i'm not fond tears rolling down, my eyes heavy no air in my lungs i shouted plenty curses said and meant fully knees weak, i loathe you trully tired so tired no words left too tired to walk fall back to bed dream with no rest vision turns black maybe if i lie here it'll come back Unforgiven
when the sky is falling down i will show you how it goes all around destiny unbound can't you see the stars dying down the light vanishing from within of your heart replaced by nothing and nothing you shall be and im sorry to tell ya, thats all you'll ever see life behind the bars bars of your mind starved and chained to the ground that pain you can't live without the pain you caused the tears others shed while void took place in your eyes and you will rot where sun will never rise and no regret in your heart darker than night each and every part your body decaying in garden lost long ago thus be trapped in the garden of your soul RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 19.07.2017 guardian Above the abyss stars fly by, there stands a princess of the night Each star a dream or a memory, some empty, some like a symphony She watches, she guards trying her best to keep everypony at ease letting them rest and enjoy their dreams One twinkling star shows a little filly earning her cutie mark while another projects a blue pegasus fighting off the dark one looks empty, but is filled with determination another shows royal cake addiction every twinkle, every little dream, hope or memory together they resonate night dreamer's melody circling around mare in dark blue swaying her hooves reaching through extending her help, her mind every night, just to find every dreamer, every troubled soul banishing night terrors in mighty blows long since dawn to sun's rising with pride enterprising taking care of ponies during their rest without fear, always trying her best RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 19.08.2017 Star's lament
I watch as day turns to night reddish aura surrounding the sky takes on dark blue coat and moon takes first step on dreamer's road followed by little sparks of light then i watch little water drops falling in between those shinning glimmers reflecting the rainbow of the nightfall while hiding our guarding shadow answering her call Charging to fight a nighmare of somepony on the other side of town I wave but doubt she'll see through the courtain of dark and window of the tree This tree a library of me and other bearers of harmony build as a memory of treasured past and those who may not last Those who shall not be forgotten in lines of time Taking care of remembrance Tis a task of mine Not bound by mortality Torn by serenity of everlasting life Flower
One late summer afternoon in the meadow of everfree a pure white flower rose from the green Next to poison ivy under cap of thorns Sits there unharmed and sun she adores Like a mirror reflecting the light and peace making space for other growing seeds There blooms purple, orange and blue There yellow, pink and marshmallow have their due Like a rainbow connection from flower to flower Spreading the light of immense power Like a love or friendship it seems So warmly now the meadow beams Heart below the moon
On top of a hill above ponyville you may find me watching stars, soaked by the rain with a huge grin on my face Why would you go there this day why not wait at least take an umbrella i say and wipe that smile off your face did i ever tell you how much i love your smile how much it means to me how it warms my heart like an embrace i wish would never end You tell me every morning and evening too sometimes i wonder if that's all you do and if i do? what if i praise the moon and the sun and the skies above us for such a chance in my life Maybe i pray on the mountains and alongside the rivers what if i dance with the wind on the music of flowing water what if your voice is a melody for a rose of love and your laugh a symphony more beautiful than a thousand stars What if i joined you up there i wouldn't mind a bit was that all true What if i showed you... RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 25.10.2017 Není to zrovna báseň, ale po určité výzvě jsem přepsala jednu Píseň do více MLP podoby a jsem s ní docela spokojená, tak proč ji nedat sem Severní
Jdu s podkovou zlatou, pro lásku mou svatou, Ač prší či mrzne, nocí i dnem. Hlava mě pálí a v modravé dáli tam vidím tu, co bloumá mi snem. Kraj pod sněhem mlčí, tam stopy jsou mantikóří, tam zbytečně budeš mi psát. Sama v dřevěné stodůlce sen o fialové kobylce já nechám si tisíckrát zdát. severní vítr je krutý Počítej Twily má s tím ke kopýtkům ti dám srdce z duhy a na křídlech lásky s tebou odletím ke kopýtkům ti dám srdce z duhy a na křídlech lásky s tebou odletím Tak zarůstám srstí v úkrytu z listí čas se mi krátí víc a víc. Už je to dávno, co v brzké ráno, já hladila tvoji líc. Tu blázen teď sedí ke hvězdám hledí a hledá tvou krásnou tvář. Srdce na dlani čeká na stráni na úsměv jak polární zář. severní vítr je krutý Počítej Twily má s tím ke kopýtkům ti dám srdce z duhy a na křídlech lásky s tebou odletím ke kopýtkům ti dám srdce z duhy a na křídlech lásky s tebou odletím V né příliš dlouhé době bych sem měla přidat i báseň o Applejack, teda jen co se rozhodnu jak ji chci napsat RE: Poems of Moon - DrakeDamage - 26.10.2017 Apple tree
Do you see in the distance the castle on mountain top That a city of unicorns named Canterlot Now there, right below You see, be wary A little village seems so ordinary But if you were to take a hike by the dusty road, where the river flows you'd find a place none is like that everypony knows Behind the trees red roof under sunlight beams and in the middle of a farm stands a pony of apple charm With trusty Stetson on her golden mane Working, caring through wind or rain Family comes first you can hear her say nopony is alone that's the Apple way With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen truly lost i have only been in those eyes so serene There is more than eye can see all you have to do is follow me behind the barn through garden with celery leads a path on hill holding a dear memory There stands a tree that had seen it all and i'm sure it will see even more But what it sees now, warms my heart new chapter of apple love is about to start When you look left and she looks right eye meets an eye, ignites a spark and orchard below goes silent for a moment or three two hearts become one under branches of Apple tree |