RE: Máš BAN !! - LEGION_1 - 27.05.2016
Máš ban, lebo ja sa musím krotiť, darmo.
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 27.05.2016
Máš BAN, protože půjdeš do cirkusu jako krotitel leguánů
RE: Máš BAN !! - Moony - 27.05.2016
Máš BAN, protože lepší by byl krotitel lvů ^^
RE: Máš BAN !! - AngelF1re - 27.05.2016
Mate ban, pretoze by bol z neho cviceny leguan.
RE: Máš BAN !! - Moony - 27.05.2016
Máš BAN, protože ta představa je vtipná
RE: Máš BAN !! - AngelF1re - 27.05.2016
Mas ban, pretoze by prekrucal ocami.
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 27.05.2016
Máš BAN, protože bacha aby s nimi nedělal něco jiného
RE: Máš BAN !! - AngelF1re - 27.05.2016
Mas ban, pretoze by pozeral po vas ?
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 27.05.2016
What the buck did you just ban me for, you little pony?
I’ll have you know I got top score in the Banning Simulator,
and I’ve been involved in numerous VAC-Banning on Steam, and I have over 30 000 confirmed kills in tf2.
I am trained in professional offtopic spamming and I’m the top fanclubs curator on the entire forum.
You are nothing to me but just another user.
I will BAN you the buck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in this game,
mark my brony words. You think you can get away with doing that to me over the Internet?
Think again, bronie.
As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies in admin team and your IP is being traced right now
so you better prepare for the storm, pinkie-lover.
The storm that wipes out the cheerful little thing you call your life. You’re appleless, lil' filly.
I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can BAN you in over seven hundred ways,
and that’s just with my laptop. Not only am I extensively trained in keyboard typing,
but I have access to the entire arsenal of redneck words
and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your pink plot off this page,
you little bookworm. If only you could have known what uncelestial retribution your little “egghead” comment
was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your dragon tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you Luna-forgotten filly.
I will chocolate rain all over you and you will drown in it. You’re bucking BANned, darling.
RE: Máš BAN !! - AngelF1re - 27.05.2016
Mas ban, lebo niesom pinkie lover, ale dobre no. Ked teta Drake mysli, vyplodi toto.