AppleJack Fans - Verze k tisku

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RE: AppleJack Fans - Antarius - 30.01.2013

Přece s tebou, Drakoušku Rainbowkiss

RE: AppleJack Fans - DrakeDamage - 30.01.2013

Ohh Rainbowkiss Ty na mě myslíš?

RE: AppleJack Fans - Discordian - 30.01.2013

Hlavně v noci

RE: AppleJack Fans - matulo5551 - 30.01.2013

Ehm...romantické...ale aj tak musím k tomu niečo dodať (neurazte sa prosím moustache )
[Obrázek: tumblr_lplfsva8ZP1qc1d32o1_250.png]

RE: AppleJack Fans - Antarius - 30.01.2013

Rainbowlaugh Já myslel že tohle je vlákno o Applejack, a my sem taháme své osobní záležitosti...styďme se, drahoušci Rainbowkiss

RE: AppleJack Fans - DrakeDamage - 30.01.2013

Ano, styď se Rainbowlaugh

A teď trochu AJ Twilightsmile

Big Green Eyes

Oh I'm blessed and I know I am
God has dealt me a winning hand
A loving girl and a fairy land for me

Oh and I can't believe it half the time
When I look at her in perfect light
Sweet vision every day and night I see

My AJ has big green eyes
Brighter than the bluest sky
Softer than an angel flies
Sweeter than a lullaby
And she loves me without design
Her picture never leaves my mind
I don't deserve a love this fine
AJ and her big green eyes

Oh and I'm never very far away
Even if I'm in another place
Her smile you can't erase from me



Oh and I'm thankful every waking hour
For the love of a gentle flower
A face I will never tire or leave


Her picture never leaves my mind
I don't deserve a love this fine
AJ and her big green eyes

RE: AppleJack Fans - Antarius - 30.01.2013

Hezky upraveno Ajsmug

RE: AppleJack Fans - DrakeDamage - 30.01.2013

Co? To mi hraje pořád v hlavě Twilightsmile

RE: AppleJack Fans - Discordian - 30.01.2013

For your consideration
I offer myself with no sign of hesitation
Well let's get these wheels in motion
Cause this old guitar is gonna sing by the ocean side

Oh Apple you're my life
Feel like a before and after photo
How I ever live without you I don't know
So we gonna plant the seed and watch it grow oh
Apple, you don't even know how your laughter tastes so sweet oh
Apple, well I thank my stars that you fell so close
Yea you fell so close
That you fell so close to me

We sit and watch as the waves slowly reach for our names and surrender them to the tide.
If I could send out a message in a bottle
I'd say all I need is here by my side
Apple, you're the reason why

RE: AppleJack Fans - Hotsteppa - 30.01.2013

Drake, vďaka, akurát mi to tu hrá Rainbowlaugh Nespravíš náhodou "Applejack cover"?