RE: Máš BAN !! - AleXan - 21.07.2019
Máš ban lebo viacerí si niečo nahovárame
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 21.07.2019
Máš BAN, protože někteří více než jiní
RE: Máš BAN !! - AleXan - 21.07.2019
Máš ban lebo poznám pár takých
RE: Máš BAN !! - LEGION_1 - 22.07.2019
Máš ban, lebo fandím Drake.
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 22.07.2019
Máš BAN, protože to není nic nového
RE: Máš BAN !! - Mácaman - 22.07.2019
mas BAN lebo expect the unexpected
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 22.07.2019
Máš BAN cuz expectations often succumb to the reality
RE: Máš BAN !! - Mácaman - 22.07.2019
mas BAN coz sometimes reality can be magic
RE: Máš BAN !! - DrakeDamage - 22.07.2019
Máš BAN cuz magic is unpredictable, ungraspable and untamable, some might even call it Destiny. Now where is your reality, do you believe your eyes or your mind, do you perhaps follow your heart? What if it breaks and falls apart, memory fades, sight succumbs to the time. Will you still follow the magic or kneel because the reality hits you hard?
RE: Máš BAN !! - Mácaman - 22.07.2019
Máš BAN cuz you are a wise woman but miracles are real, belive me, I saw it on my own eyes...but yes, I think reality can hurt me, especially trough the people I love, because "you are responsible for what you attach to yourself"...but for now, I am still here...and I am not scared....