Czequestria 2014 - Con, ne sraz! - Verze k tisku

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RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Melgarh - 19.08.2014


Všem cosplayerům, co se již přihlásili do soutěže - Děkujeme!
Je vás více než jsem čekal a sakra nás to těší!

A pro všechny, co se rozmýšlí - jděte do toho, bude tam dost zkušených lidí co vám mohou pomoci, dodat odvahu či poradit!

Jo a zbejvá 15 lístků co jsem teď koukal - pokud jste zaplatili ale nedostali Confirmation email, tak nám dejte vědět na, díky!


To all the cosplayers that have signed up for the competition - Thank you!
The turn out is much higher than we expected!

And for those that are unsure if the sign up or not - put your fears behind you and go for it - there will be plenty of experienced people/staff to help, to support and to assist!

FIY only 15 tickets are left at this moment in the system. Also, if you've paid and have not received confirmation email, let us know at ! Cheers!

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - ArainMorn - 20.08.2014

Hello again!
I'm interesting, whether the ticket'll come to my IRL adress or I'll get it from orgs? Shall I have it on LAPR?

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Melgarh - 20.08.2014

Hello ArainMorn,

the ticket will come to your email address and please print it - however we can find you in the system by simply checking your ID/passport.

The tickets are not necessary for LARP as far as I'm aware =)

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Jamis - 20.08.2014

@ArainMorn: You will receive the ticket at the beginning of Czequestria convention (on Saturday morning). All necessary information are in the e-mail, which you receive with the payment confirmation:

print this email and bring it with you to the convention, as it serves as your proof of entry along with your ID.

Accepted ID’s are:
  • ID card (EU Type)
  • Passport

LARP event takes place on Friday and no paper confirmation is necessary to attend the event - when needed, we check attendees just by name at the beginning.

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - ArainMorn - 20.08.2014

Melgarh, Jamis, thanks for reply =)

Hm, it'll be recieved on Saturday morning? Well, that will be a quest for me to find the place, where I can print it =) Maybe it would be better to use your system =)

Oh, two more question! Is the "MLP&Cosplaying" kinda of presentation and has nothing with "Cosplay Competition"? And before cosplay show will be there any dressing room or I should go in full cosplay from the beggining?

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Melgarh - 20.08.2014

Heyas again!

I was meant to publish Annotation for all the programs today but due to additional tasks and work at, well, work, I wasn't able to do so Twilightoops

MLP Cosplaying is a panel about starting your first MLP cosplay - how to imagine the character, how to draw it out etc.

All of the panels will be naturally described in teh Convention guide =)

Regarding the cosplaying, I've been informed that there should be an additional room which we may dedicate for staff and for cosplayers to change at. Or it can be done at the bathroom as well - however I will try and find out the info about that spare room for you.

From tomorrow till Monday, core CZQ staff will be at BUCK 2014 thus we may not be able to respond to any requests and questions until Tuesday. Sorry about that!

Heyas everypony!
A notification to you all - as core staff will be heading for @BUCKcon there may be delay in responses, sorry about that!


Ahoj všichni!
Info pro vás všechny - hlavní staff odjíždí se podívat do Anglie na BUCK con tudíž naše dostupnost bude limitovaná v ohledu na odpovědi na maily a dotazy. Předem se omlouváme a děkujeme za pochopení!

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Luna May - 20.08.2014

@Melgarh: While you are on this subject, is there a place where cosplayers could leave "civil clothes?" Rainbowlaugh In some kind of bag of course.

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Lexo Astonov - 21.08.2014

That's a good question.
Some kind of lockers for cosplayers would be fine.

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Melgarh - 21.08.2014

@clothes a gear = cloak room for free

Jamis confirmed that secondary room may be used by cosplayers witj assist of staff as its backstage.

RE: Czequestria - Con, ne sraz! - Ebženka - 21.08.2014

Půjde se prosím na cosplay soutěž přihlásit i na místě, nebo pouze přes ofiko formulář předem?
Nevím totiž, jestli bude druhá půle našeho dua spolupracovat, a nechce se mi přihlašovat, abychom pak nezůstaly v zákulisí s akutním hysterickým záchvatem. (Jestli to jde jen předem, tak prostě soutěž oželím a doplním jen kostýmované davy v obecenstvu.)