+- Bronies.cz (https://bronies.cz)
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+---- Téma: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony (/Vlakno-Bronies-The-Extremely-Unexpected-Adult-Fans-of-My-Little-Pony)
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Grunt - 20.01.2013
(20.01.2013, 00:05)Geeshta Napsal(a): Náhodou to vypadá docela věrně, akorát doufám, že si podle toho lidi, co to viděj, nedělaj obrázek o všech bronies podle toho týpka, protože vypadá... no prostě... chápete mě
No teď jsem si to pustil a nevypadá to na to (i když kamera je dost pravděpodobně použitá stejná). Nicméně vy jste asi neviděli ukázky, že? Něco takového tam samozřejmě bude. Takže komu to nepobere žaludek, tak se dopředu připravte.
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Gris - 20.01.2013
Názor "lidí z internetu": yes, they are re-editing the Lauren Tara lesbo scene. Jen něco k příjemným představám, co vám ukrátí čekání
Ještě asi 3 hodiny.
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Gris - 20.01.2013
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Hotsteppa - 20.01.2013
(20.01.2013, 06:06)Gris Napsal(a): A je to venku, sosejte!
Sauce, please
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Fun1k - 20.01.2013
Kdyby někoho zajímal dopis, který De Lancie poslal platícím:
Citace:Your digital download of Bronies Core Edition is now available at Scrnland!
But first, a message from John de Lancie:
Dear Contributors,
At long last the documentary is finished. It was made possible by your generous contributions and the work of many professionals. When we first started, we were asked by many a concerned Brony if their parents, friends, and loved ones would find the documentary appropriate for viewing. Most emphatically, yes. As promised, the film is respectful, insightful and entertaining -- we present it to you with love.
Now, to a more down-to-earth matter: Please enjoy the documentary with family and friends but, please, do not upload the documentary to the Internet (YouTube, etc.). Why? Let me explain.
When we first had the idea of a Brony document ary, it was budgeted at $60,000. We figured two days of shooting with two cameras, followed by six weeks of editing. However, when the response to the Kickstarter campaign resulted in five times the original goal, Mike and I felt duty bound to expand the scope of the show. Immediately, this translated into four more cameras at the convention site in New Jersey. It also meant including four additional cities in the United States as well as traveling to Israel, Germany, Holland, and England. Of course, with this major expansion, we were now dealing with hundreds of additional hours of raw footage that necessitated the need to hire yet more editors, sound engineers and video engineers. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
As is customary in the film business, one tries to defer salaries so that all the money is put on the screen. Of course airlines, hotels, restaurants, camera operators, sound techs, video and audio post houses do not defer their costs. Neither do law yers or insurance companies. These people are paid up front. The people who traditionally defer their salaries are the writer, the director and the producers. There are six of us who have worked on this film for over eight months with the hope that our efforts would be recompensed AFTER the film is released. Mike, in particular, has worked an extraordinary twelve hours a day, every day for the entire eight months. This is why I’m asking that you not upload the film to the Internet. If someone, other than yourself and close friends, would like to see the documentary please direct them to www.BronyDoc.com (or directly at our online distributor, www.scrnland.com). It’s a modest amount to pay and it would be greatly appreciated. Also, while we are on the subject of the Internet (YouTube in particular), we want to take this film to the next step in distribution because we think the Brony message needs to be experienced by the general public and not just Bronies. However, for festivals and film distributors to take the film seriously and to give it a wider viewership, the documentary cannot have been available on sites like YouTube.
Please honor our request.
Thank you,
John de Lancie
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Gris - 20.01.2013
Hotsteppa: Fun1k delivered.
Dokument byl mnohem lepší, než jsem čekal po vydání té ukázky z necivilizovaného amerického venkova. Doporučuju všem, kteří doteď váhali, aby to koupili.
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Fun1k - 20.01.2013
BTW ty chybky v tom dopise jsou tam originálně
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Geeshta - 20.01.2013
Kdypak as budou titulky?
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Grunt - 20.01.2013
(20.01.2013, 09:40)Fun1k Napsal(a):
Kdyby někoho zajímal dopis, který De Lancie poslal platícím:
Citace:Your digital download of Bronies Core Edition is now available at Scrnland!
But first, a message from John de Lancie:
Dear Contributors,
At long last the documentary is finished. It was made possible by your generous contributions and the work of many professionals. When we first started, we were asked by many a concerned Brony if their parents, friends, and loved ones would find the documentary appropriate for viewing. Most emphatically, yes. As promised, the film is respectful, insightful and entertaining -- we present it to you with love.
Now, to a more down-to-earth matter: Please enjoy the documentary with family and friends but, please, do not upload the documentary to the Internet (YouTube, etc.). Why? Let me explain.
When we first had the idea of a Brony document ary, it was budgeted at $60,000. We figured two days of shooting with two cameras, followed by six weeks of editing. However, when the response to the Kickstarter campaign resulted in five times the original goal, Mike and I felt duty bound to expand the scope of the show. Immediately, this translated into four more cameras at the convention site in New Jersey. It also meant including four additional cities in the United States as well as traveling to Israel, Germany, Holland, and England. Of course, with this major expansion, we were now dealing with hundreds of additional hours of raw footage that necessitated the need to hire yet more editors, sound engineers and video engineers. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
As is customary in the film business, one tries to defer salaries so that all the money is put on the screen. Of course airlines, hotels, restaurants, camera operators, sound techs, video and audio post houses do not defer their costs. Neither do law yers or insurance companies. These people are paid up front. The people who traditionally defer their salaries are the writer, the director and the producers. There are six of us who have worked on this film for over eight months with the hope that our efforts would be recompensed AFTER the film is released. Mike, in particular, has worked an extraordinary twelve hours a day, every day for the entire eight months. This is why I’m asking that you not upload the film to the Internet. If someone, other than yourself and close friends, would like to see the documentary please direct them to www.BronyDoc.com (or directly at our online distributor, www.scrnland.com). It’s a modest amount to pay and it would be greatly appreciated. Also, while we are on the subject of the Internet (YouTube in particular), we want to take this film to the next step in distribution because we think the Brony message needs to be experienced by the general public and not just Bronies. However, for festivals and film distributors to take the film seriously and to give it a wider viewership, the documentary cannot have been available on sites like YouTube.
Please honor our request.
Thank you,
John de Lancie
Pozdě. Já ještě ani nedostal e-mail s linkem a už se to distribuuje na torrentech a YT. John bude mít radost až si to vlákno přečte.
RE: Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony - Fun1k - 20.01.2013
Tys ještě nedostal link? Mě se to stahuje (všechny tři verze) už od rána.
Jsem si toho naštěstí všiml ve spamovém koši. Douchebag Email