(Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - Verze k tisku

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RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - Mantis - 12.06.2016

[Obrázek: yes__by_noctilucent_arts-d9fh9k4.jpg]

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - DrakeDamage - 13.06.2016

[Obrázek: twilight_sparkle_by_runeaxdoodles-da61bax.jpg]

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - DrakeDamage - 14.06.2016

[Obrázek: avatar__animated__by_theshadowscale-da6avr3.gif]
Direct link

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - DrakeDamage - 16.06.2016

[Obrázek: a_quiet_place_to_stargaze_by_duskie_06-da6gjp1.png]

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - DrakeDamage - 18.06.2016

[Obrázek: saddlebag_companion_by_mistydash-da6qoaq.jpg]

[Obrázek: stardust_by_solarsourced-da6qk7i.png]
"Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return, and we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star stuff. We are a way for the cosmos to know itself.”
-Carl Sagan

Our precious star is one of 400,000,000,000 within the Milky Way. Our island is but one of 100,000 galaxies within the supercluster.
This supercluster is christened LANIAKEA, which is Hawaiian for "immeasurable heaven".

Even in its unfathomable greatness, our "immeasurable" heaven is only the sea foam within the depths of the cosmic ocean.
We are so insignificant....but in our humility we are infinitely precious.

Each atom of your body is literally made from stardust. You are the universe.
Every moment you spend loving... is the universe loving itself.

"In all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the loneliness bearable is each other."

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - LEGION_1 - 18.06.2016

[Obrázek: paradise_fillies_by_dennyvixen-da6r6mg.png]

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - DrakeDamage - 18.06.2016

[Obrázek: my_mind_is_full_of_books__commission__by...a6s98y.jpg]

[Obrázek: WdJ1skK.gif]

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - LEGION_1 - 18.06.2016

Mno, to by som rád našiel na svojej posteli Rainbowlaugh

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - Farglider - 19.06.2016

[Obrázek: twilight_in_daylight_by_assasinmonkey-da6x885.png]

DA source

RE: (Princess) Twilight Sparkle fan club - DrakeDamage - 21.06.2016

[Obrázek: _animation__a_malfunctioning_book_pony_b...a72vmj.gif]