DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - Verze k tisku

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DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - SteelHelmet - 30.12.2016

[Obrázek: R6uEm6Ox7Xk.jpg]

DerpFest 2017 - ДёрпФест 2017

Greetings, everypony!

My name is Alexander, some people know me as SteelHelmet.

I've been a part of the MLP community for five years. And I always wanted to make the communication between Russian and European bronies easier, partially because in both regions there are a lot of creative people and interesting projects but, sadly, language barrier has always been an issue, and both sides knew so little about one another.

After attending Czequestria'15 and Galacon'16 I came up with the idea of making DerpFest open for English-speaking community. That change allowed DerpFest'17 to evolve, becoming a bigger, international event.

Last DerpFest was held in November 2015, this convention was warmly welcomed by Russian bronies. Some pictures of the event are available on our website:

The upcoming festival will take place on November 4-5 in Moscow, Russia. We aim to provide the best entertainment for our attendees: contests, concert, workshops, panels, market... and of course our convention is a chance to meet new friends!

Our convention is designed to provide comfort for English-speaking attendees. Now we are negotiating with famous community guests from abroad, so panels in English will be available besides other events with simultaneous interpretation. During the entire convention at the information counter you will be able to find a special group of volunteers, they will help you with any difficulties related to language barrier. Also, if necessary, visitors can be assisted with hotel accommodation and receive information about Moscow public transport system and Russian visa requirements.

In addition, local-based quest game will take place on November 3. During this game you will be able to discover many interesting architectural monuments of the historic centre of the city! After the completion of the game our meetup will be continued in anti-cafe (place where customers receive free snacks, tea, coffee, wi-fi, video games etc. and pay only for time). There you can spend more time with friends over a cup of tea or coffee.

We sincerely hope that you will enjoy our festival and fond memories will remain forever in your heart!

Important links:

Our website (currently in a testing state):
VK group:

Information about Russian visa for Czech citizens:

P.s. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here or on Facebook (; also, you can send me an e-mail (

[Obrázek: KDgjDG5Ed9k.jpg]

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - MrDucheved - 30.12.2016

Yay! ^^

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - SteelHelmet - 30.03.2017

Good news, everyone! Twilightsmile
"Early bird" ticket sale has started. Ticket prices now are 20% lower than usual, but this special offer will only be available till mid-April so hurry!
Moreover, now you can join the ranks of our brave team of volunteers!
Of course, your work will not remain without reward, all volunteers will receive nice bonuses:
-Free entrance
-Special volunteer T-shirt with the logo of the festival
-New pleasant acquaintances
-Disclosure of your potential, or even the discovery of new talents!
-The invaluable experience and a certificate of participant
-Free and delicious dinner

Application form is available here

Venue & Guests announcements will be posted soon Pinkiesmile
[Obrázek: C8Axr6fXQAAMktN.jpg:large]

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - KRAJKHOUR - 02.05.2017

Záčínám uvažovat o datumu odletu a příletu do Moskvy. Byl bych rád, kdybychom letěly stejným letadlem jak to bývalo zvykem.
Odlet bych viděl 1. nebo 2. 11. a přílet 8. mezi 11.11. Ještě nevím kolik dni bude stačit na prohlídku města. Osobně odhaduji 3 dny + 1 den na nějaký poconový meetu pokud bude. Cena přímeho letu tam a zpátky se pohybuje okolo 6000 Kč 3h a s jedním přestupem 4000 Kč 6h. Osobně jsem pro přímí odlet do Moskvy.

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - TakeruDavis - 22.08.2017

Rozhodně bych se rád zůčastnil, pokud se nám nějak podaří dostat nějakou dobrou cenu na přepravu. Ten přestup by mi nevadil.

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - Luna May - 22.08.2017

Začínám uvažovat o návštěvě. Do Moskvy se chci už dlouho povídat a pokud mi to umožní práce, tak se ráda ukážu Pinkiesmile.

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - KRAJKHOUR - 23.08.2017

Mám zorganizovat společnou cestu? Twilightsmile

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - Luna May - 23.08.2017

Za mě společnou cestu zatím neorganizuj. U mě je ještě spousta neznámých.

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - TakeruDavis - 23.08.2017

U mě je také spousta otazníků. Ale určitě zkus zjistit, jak by to šlo udělat nejlevněji, tu cestu.

RE: DerpFest 2017- Moscow, Russia, 4-5 November 2017 - KRAJKHOUR - 26.08.2017

Až nás bude aspoň pět bronies co opravdu budou chtít letět tak to budu řešit vážněji.
Letenky levněji jedině kdybychom se domluvily na společném zavazadle na 20-45kg.
Víza když nás bude dost (10+) možná dokážu sehnat slevu.
Ubytovaní od určité ho tier lístku je sleva na hotel kde se pořádá con. Nebo když nás bude málo možná bych sehnal ubytování u místních bronies.

Co se týče peněz. Budget vílet bych viděl 10 000Kč se vším všudy. (+1500)