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    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

In order to make it easier for you to experience the convention, this app will give you access to the schedule, to a description of the activities, to the venue map, and a bunch of useful information....
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 29.10.2015, 19:14
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

Want to help a greater cause ? Contribute to our charity auction ! https://bronydays.org/contribute-to-the-charity-auction/
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 27.10.2015, 21:22
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

The BronyDays team is happy to announce that we will have 2 new guests via Skype call ! https://bronydays.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/LeeJim.jpg Our first guest is Jim Miller. He worked a lot for...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 21.10.2015, 14:59
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

The BronyDays are near, only 2 weeks before the convention, now is the right time to make a small recap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNva37a-VHE The convention will be in the city of Nantes ...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 20.10.2015, 21:53
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

Tom0147 Napsal(a): (02.09.2015, 21:36) -- Hi everypony! I just launched thread about BronyDays in czech language. If you want to our trip, head over here https://bronies.cz/Vlakno-BronyDays-2015 ...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 03.09.2015, 21:19
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

The BronyDays offer a carpool service so you don't feel lonely during the roadtrip. This service is only available in french but its usage is very simple, don't hesitate to ask any questions regard...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 31.08.2015, 21:40
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

https://bronydays.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/maud-300x300.jpghttp://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BOTcwNTUxMDYxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTMyMzI4MzE@._V1_UY317_CR27,0,214,317_AL_.jpg Maud Pie, repres...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 27.08.2015, 21:56
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

Creators and artists from the community, we're pleased to announce that the vendor applications are now open! Our press application are open too. More info ? https://bronydays.org/registration-forms-...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 16.08.2015, 20:45
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

http://puu.sh/jtXY8/2dcab8c35d.jpeg We’re pleased to announce our first guest: WoodenToaster. Well known musician of the community, he’ll help you feel the wub in you! Stay tuned on social chann...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 08.08.2015, 17:08
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: RE: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

Welcome, Mares and gentlecolts for the launch of the Bronies Awards ! The Bronies Awards ceremony his the opportunity to reward your efforts to produce original content for our dear fandom. Com...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 25.07.2015, 22:02
    Téma: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)
Příspěvek: BronyDays 2015 - (Nantes - Oct. 31/Nov. 1st)

Hello, bronies! Let me introduce myself: My pseudo is Jona Aps, I'm a industrial maintenance technician and I'm also the communication support of the team organizing the BronyDays. This is a european ...
Jona Aps General discussion 13 10 258 22.06.2015, 18:43