(Blank Flank)

Datum registrace: 17.08.2018
Datum narození: 30.01.1933 (stáří 91 rok(ů))
Místní čas: 03.12.2024 v 20:42
Stav: Offline

Informace o uživateli: Nonny-kun
Zaregistrován od 17.08.2018
Poslední návštěva: 10.11.2018, 18:27
Celkem příspěvků: 0 (0 příspěvků za den | 0 % z celkového počtu příspěvků)
Celkem témat: 0 (0 témat za den | 0 % z celkového počtu témat)
Strávený čas online: 34 minut(y), 14 sekund(y)
Referenční systém: 0
Hodnocení: 0 [Detaily hodnocení]
Další informace o uživateli: Nonny-kun
Pohlaví: Neuvedeno
you are worst changeling. you are the changeling idiot you are the turk smell. return to your hiive. to our hippogryph cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,gryphons we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal BUck but buck bunghole changeling stink gryphon sqhipere shqipare..changeling genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead changeling..ahahahahahGRIPHONS WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget nightmare moon .crystal empir we kill the king , crystal ponies return to your precious yakyakistan….hahahahaha idiot changeling and gryphonstonian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE BUG FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught.

earth ponies+pegasi+unicorns+alicorns=kill gryphon…you will night mare moon/ neighsay alive in equestria, neighsay making school of equestria . clever school neighsay equestria. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of neighsay… you are ppoor stink changeling… you live in a hive hahahaha, you live in a cocoon

neighsay alive numbr one #1 in equestria ….buck the hippogryphs ,..BUCKk bunhol changelings no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. neighsay aliv and real strong wizard kill all the changeling farm aminal with school magic now we the equestra rule .horse of the zoo queen chrysalis bukc the great tirek and lay egg this egg hatch and gryphonstone wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a rock of gem. equestria greattst countrey