09.04.2015, 15:13
Podle mě, co se EQG týče, tak bude ve všech, co budou, protože odstranění její role by naštvalo spoustu lidí a hlavně by to byla obrovská chyba.. Navíc od toho aby vše zachraňovala Mane 6 máme seriál, zde to musí prostě být Sunset
*searching* Found no results for „my personal talent" (yet)
Welp, they got it.. now i have nothing to write in here... Let's think about it and change it later.
And since.. Sunset probably won't be in season 5...
Sunset in season 6 pleease :3
Welp, they got it.. now i have nothing to write in here... Let's think about it and change it later.
And since.. Sunset probably won't be in season 5...
Sunset in season 6 pleease :3