30.04.2015, 16:59
Ja tiež stále žijem, ale len cez víkend, cez týždeň som na intráku a mám dosť práce, takže to nie. Zhodou okolností sú teraz pekne sviatky takže mám voľno. Prevažne hrám soloQ ale keď ma nájdete sa flákať na LoLku a neodbijem vás tak kľudne zahrám
EuNE (obviously) - SeaLiLee (Plat 1)
EuNE (obviously) - SeaLiLee (Plat 1)
My religion?
I am a devout follower of the "Who the f**k am I to tell anyone how to live their life" religion. You should try it.
I am a devout follower of the "Who the f**k am I to tell anyone how to live their life" religion. You should try it.