16.12.2013, 22:29
Citace:System Requirements(zdroj forum Legends of Equestria)
- 2 GB ram
- dual core processor, somewhere near 2 GHz. A single core processor works, but is not recommended. SSE2 is required (pretty much anything after 2005)
- an okay graphics card. generally if the computer is made after 2007, you'll be fine. The bare minimum would probably be 128 MB vram, DirectX9.0c/OpenGL2.0
- 1.5 gigabytes of hard drive space
- OS: windows, mac osx, or linux
to Rosalia: trosku si to spletla
1, odrazka neni potrebne misto na disku ale doporucena velikost operační paměti (RAM)
4, odrazka je potrebne misto na disku (HDD)