17.10.2013, 15:43
Máš BAN, protože Herr Zidek, ich habe swag, trollis ultimat apfel baron z divokých prasat.
Vorsicht! Grenate!
Máš BAN !!
17.10.2013, 15:43
Máš BAN, protože Herr Zidek, ich habe swag, trollis ultimat apfel baron z divokých prasat.
Vorsicht! Grenate!
17.10.2013, 18:04
Máš BAN protože Slovio es novju mezxunarodju jazika ktor razumijut cxtirsto milion ludis na celoju zemla.
It's the middle of the day but darkness falls on the city, it's the shadow of a giant cybernetic death kitty.
And on the other side of town something rages down the path, if you had a lisp you'd know it's kickin' theriouth ath.
17.10.2013, 18:22
cấm bạn bởi vì bạn có bị cấm sử dụng. Sư tử biển
it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes guillotine
![]() ![]()
17.10.2013, 19:09
It's the middle of the day but darkness falls on the city, it's the shadow of a giant cybernetic death kitty.
And on the other side of town something rages down the path, if you had a lisp you'd know it's kickin' theriouth ath.
17.10.2013, 20:36
Všem, včetně mě, dávám BAN za používání cizích jazyků! Já je doslova nesnaším, zkrátka I hate other languages!
it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes it goes guillotine
![]() ![]()
17.10.2013, 20:45
GWAHARDD chi oherwydd ... Beth wnaethoch chi ei ddweud?
It's the middle of the day but darkness falls on the city, it's the shadow of a giant cybernetic death kitty.
And on the other side of town something rages down the path, if you had a lisp you'd know it's kickin' theriouth ath.
18.10.2013, 22:44
(Tento příspěvek byl naposledy změněn: 18.10.2013, 22:44 uživatelem Raider. Edited 1 time in total.)
Máš ban za použitie D dva-krát za sebou !
18.10.2013, 22:45
Máš BAN, protože tu seš.
20.10.2013, 16:32
Máte BAN za cizí jazyky a za všechny BANy
Ticho, ryby plašíš!
Dobrý den, přistoupili kontrola jízdenek.
20.10.2013, 16:58
(29.03.2012, 18:56)Dumbass_CZ Napsal(a): Tuhle myšlenku už v sobě dusím dost dlouho, ale až teď ji vypustím: Máš ban za tik v uchu!
Usměj se, zítřek bude horší.
Na bolest hlavy pomáhá Guttalax. Na starou babičku pomáhá Guttalax. Na průjem pomáhá Guttalax. Na zácpu pomůžou Marťánci. |