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Z prvej série:
Winter wrap up po česky veim nasmamäť Rainbowlaugh
Potom At the gala po česky Pinkiesmile.

Ostatné série:
A ešte B.B.B.F.F.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibvzjO_4e...detailpage .
Help Twilight win the crown
Ostatné diely som nevidela Rainbowlaugh
S1=Winter Wrap Up
S2=This Day Aria
S3= Nemůžu se rozhodnout mezi Ballad of the Crystal Ponies nebo Celestia's Ballad :/ Rainbowlaugh
S4= Zatím Apples to the Core Rainbowlaugh¨

A moje oblíbené PMV Lullaby for Princess
Steam Okuste můj skill!
DevArt - Okuste moje "umění"!
FiMfiction - Okuste moje povídky! (Eng only)

Winter Wrap Up,I'm at the Grand Galopping Gala , May best pet win , The Flim Flam brothers song , Smile smile smile , Love is in Bloom , I Wasn't Prepared for This , Ballad of crystal ponies , Raise this Barn a Tru true friend no rpostě je toho hodně Rainbowlaugh
Tak urcite se mi zalibila pisnicka - Winter wrap up, What my cutiemark is telling me a Helping twilight win the crown Twilightsmile
S1 - Giggle at the Ghostly, Winter Wrap Up, Pony Pokey
S2 - Becoming Popular, Smile song, Love is in Bloom
S3 - Ballad of the Crystal Ponies, I've Got to Find a Way, A True, True Friend
Z filmu ještě Equestria Girls (Helping Twilight win the crown)

Není toho málo. Ale vidím, že nejsem jediná, kdo na tom tak je. Pinkiehappy
This silly farmfilly fan Ajsmug

If wisdom is what you seek, I shall do my best to fake it.

Nickname - ty vtipy už jsou starý, please just don't
S1 - Winter Wrap Up, Art of Dress
S2 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, The Perfect Stallion, Smile, smile, smile, B.B.B.F.F., This day
S3 - I Wasn't Prepared for This, The Ballad of the Crystal Empire, Raise This Barn, I've Got to Find a Way
Moje nej Pinkiesmile 1. Smile Song
2. Ive got a find way
3. Winter wrap up Rainbowlaugh
a ze sérii:
S1: Winter wrap up, Giggle at the ghostly,Art of the dress
S2: Smile song, BBBFF, Perfect Stallion
S3: I've got a find way, The failure song, Raise this barn
Z Filmu EQG:
Opening,Help twilight win the crown
a ze S4 RainbowlaughD
we have heart like horses RainbowlaughDDDDDDDD
Koukni se prosím na moje první PMV Pinkiesmile
tady -------- > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDMJfKDb-...e=youtu.be
nejspíš všechny
I'm at the Grand Galopping Gala, Winter Wrap Up, The Flim Flam brothers song, Smile smile smile , Love is in the Bloom , Ballad of crystal ponies, Raise this Barn(ta mě chytla hodněAjsmug) a True true friend + What my cutiemark is telling me, každopádně asi všechny RainbowkissRainbowlaugh
Mám rád všetky ale najradšej Ballad of crystal poniesPinkiesmile
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Skype: raideris-sk

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