13.07.2014, 12:36
http://stabyourself.net/orderoftwilight/ další hra s Twilight
btw mari0 a not tetris je taky celkem sranda, ale na trosh se radši ani nedívejte
a tohle mi vyšlo na
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/3...5lb02d.swf :
Twilight Puddinghead the hungry magician destined to dance with gems
Pricess Bumpkin the showy manchild destined to sing to Discord
Cranky Puddinghead the hungry brony destined to hatch cider
Silver Spoon the purple griffon destined to scold little girls
Fluffy Shy the girly manchild destined to curse potions
Prince Armor the friendly pegasus destined to discover cider
Apple Celestia the spicy librarian destined to study Canterlot
btw mari0 a not tetris je taky celkem sranda, ale na trosh se radši ani nedívejte
a tohle mi vyšlo na
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/3...5lb02d.swf :
Twilight Puddinghead the hungry magician destined to dance with gems
Pricess Bumpkin the showy manchild destined to sing to Discord
Cranky Puddinghead the hungry brony destined to hatch cider
Silver Spoon the purple griffon destined to scold little girls
Fluffy Shy the girly manchild destined to curse potions
Prince Armor the friendly pegasus destined to discover cider
Apple Celestia the spicy librarian destined to study Canterlot