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The Great and Powerful Trixie club
Hmm, mohli by sa aj mne zjaviť pri posteli Rainbowlaugh

[Obrázek: 81df69f7ebc84de62fec92639e9158f4.jpg]
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia
"Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage
"No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
Rainbowlaugh cute jelly Twi and Trixie Rainbowkiss
[Obrázek: tumblr_lqx0b46GY71r27j59o1_500.jpg]
děkuji za část mého dětství strávené tady! Twilightsmile
Trixie ! Rainbowlaugh Také jí mám rád Pinkiesmile
[Obrázek: tumblr_mqhm5iAcVR1rpb34po1_1280.png]
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia
"Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage
"No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
[Obrázek: worst_pony_returns_by_ponykillerx-d7v87yw.png]
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia
"Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage
"No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
Trixie mi prijde jedným z nejmilšich a najzlatších záporákov Rainbowlaugh ( ak sa dá považovať za záporáka Rainbowlaugh )
Neviem prečo ale príde mi strašne Cute. Trixieshiftright
[Obrázek: really_cute_trixie_by_kuren247-d6jdbug.png]
♥ Hatsune Miku ♥
♥ I live for anime ♥
♥ anime is my life ♥

No neviem, či nie len po prečítaní tej poviedky Slzy a vločky Rainbowlaugh
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia
"Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage
"No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
Práveže mne sa už predtím zdala mylá mam ju na tapete compu už mesiac Rainbowlaugh ale teraz ešte viac ...proste to je.
Najmylší rošťák na sveťe Rainbowlaugh
♥ Hatsune Miku ♥
♥ I live for anime ♥
♥ anime is my life ♥

[Obrázek: princess_trixie_by_beavernator-d6mkudq.png]
[Obrázek: day_6__trixie_at_someone__s_fridge_by_ric_m-d5fc8h6.png]
Odoslane pomocou morzeovky a  prijate pomoc sonaru
don't be a retard.be a king ? think not Why be a king when you can be a god
♕Pinkie L♥vers♕
Ajsmug  CowponyAJ 
[Obrázek: lost_in_a_diary_by_devinian-d8fccr6.jpg]


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