My little destiny friendship is random - Verze k tisku

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Stran: 1 2

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - Hotsteppa - 14.01.2015

Feather Sparkle the manly fashionista destined to lie to stallions.

What is this I don't even... Rainbowlaugh

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - Da Stad - 21.01.2015

Můj 2. pokus:
You are Custard Belle the hungry dragon destined to write a letter to the Crystal heart.

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - sirMichael - 21.01.2015

Fluffy fritter
striped fashionista
talent: soutěžit s mraky

2. pokus
chancellor weight
Derpy earth pony
talent: hatch baloons (asi umím vylíhnout balónky, pokud to dobře chápu Rainbowlaugh )

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - Laira - 21.01.2015

Takže, první pokus
Moje jméno je Swettie Celestia, jsem kouzelný drak, jehož osudem je pózovat pro princeznu. (Aspoň už vím, co je můj osud... Jupí! Rainbowlaugh)
Druhý pokus:
Moje jméno je Princess Sombra, jsem derplá zebra a můj osud je strkat do látky.

....Jako vážně? Rainbowlaugh

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - Shiro neko - 03.02.2015

1. pokus
jméno: queen Tiara
manly unicorn
destiny: dance with wonderbolts
no ok Rainbowlaugh
2. pokus
Apple pie
derpy alicorn
destiny: bake the princess
3. pokus
jméno: commander shy
je: hladový pegas
destiny: lie to little girls

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - tomasko102 - 06.02.2015

you are cloud bloom the generous alicorn destined to pose for the crystal heart

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - pan_vaflička - 26.02.2015

Princess Sparkle friendly alicorn
curse little girls

-_- to je jako reálný život

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - jakubik25 - 25.04.2015

"You are Feather Spoon, adorable parasprite destined to love little girls" tak to je moc Rainbowlaugh

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - RayCode - 25.04.2015

You Are:
Pinkie Dash
Striped Blank flank
Destined to:
Bake Canderlot Rainbowlaugh

RE: My little destiny friendship is random - Kodos - 25.04.2015

You are: Sweetie Luna
The: Pink alicorn
Destinated: Dance with balloons
