16.02.2013, 20:06
toto sa práve objavilo na FB stránke Daniela Ingram:
The MLP S3 Finale episode aired today, FINALLY!! I was a tall order from Hasbro… "Let's make it a musical", "All the ponies will change cutie marks, then they get them back, and we need songs about THAT!", "Oh, and Twilight get's WINGS." I'm not going to lie, it was a daunting task and some of the songs got shortened to fit it all in, but in the end my team and I are really proud of the music and hope you enjoy the episode. Special thanks to Will Anderson for letting Steffan and myself do the underscore for this one. Now, go Twilight!!
tak vidíte, aj Daniel fandí Twilicorn
The MLP S3 Finale episode aired today, FINALLY!! I was a tall order from Hasbro… "Let's make it a musical", "All the ponies will change cutie marks, then they get them back, and we need songs about THAT!", "Oh, and Twilight get's WINGS." I'm not going to lie, it was a daunting task and some of the songs got shortened to fit it all in, but in the end my team and I are really proud of the music and hope you enjoy the episode. Special thanks to Will Anderson for letting Steffan and myself do the underscore for this one. Now, go Twilight!!
tak vidíte, aj Daniel fandí Twilicorn
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