22.04.2015, 23:16
(22.04.2015, 20:17)beruskovova Napsal(a): mě by taky zajímala cena, poníkový hrnek by byl cool... To s tou reklamou je ale veledebilovina, a neodpouštějte mi to protože se neomlouvám!
Pravidla nejsou trhací kalendář! Stejný inzerát visel i na inzertních serverech. A i kdyby ne, pořád je to reklama na prodej věcí, které nejsou dotyčného tématická tvorba (tam se o tom dá přemýšlet).
Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.
Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
The Last Rebel... still alive