Všem se opět omlouvám, ale píšu si to tak jak si to myslím a obvykle myslím v anglickém, příp. pseudo-anglickém módu. Nechce se mi sebe sama dabovat xD
A new song for Heart's Warming Eve, I love it.
Oh, you silly filly, you are not supposed to be a decoration... but you are just so adorable.
"I think to most ponies, it's just an excuse for silly songs and fun." - Truth not just for ponies
Oooh, is this gonna be ponified version of good ol' Christmas classic?
Neat, another evil song from, um, "Starlight". I know, I know... but still...
I see how it's gonna be. Are Present and Future gonna have their own songs too? A musical episode? Wait, this is set in a story, this is sure not gonna have some big game changer, like Magical Mystery Cure and Crusaders of the Lost Mark, right?
Oh, the pun, the pun. How have I NOT see that one coming?
Okay, I see Flutters and Rarity there with Dashie, which leaves Twiley to be the spirit of Future.
Did... did they made a deliberate coco-refill break for ads?
Whoa, Luna? Did not see that coming.
Ohgosh, this song is givin' me chills. Ingram, you did it again.
Bwahaha! I don't know why, but that cider... er, I mean eggnog spit made my day.
Ooh, an actual Starlight song. Cool. Should I get worried? Nah, only a minute and half till the end.
And for the final note, jumping Lyra and Doctor's scarf xD