11.08.2016, 22:01
Beautiful Soul - you play a very important role in the awakening of the planet. Your Light is so needed here. You are always wrapped in the loving embrace of the Divine. It is in those times, when your tears may fall or when you feel most alone, that your angels and guides are with you the most, shining their Light and Love on you. Not for one moment should you doubt this. You - special soul - are being lovingly guided and supported on your path. Divine guidance is leading you gently. Look for the signs, feel the Love and know that you are supported always. Blessings! ~~ Healing Light
- Nevytvářej si domněnky - Nezraňuj slovem - Buď sám sebou - Uč se milovat život i sebe sama -
Moje písmotvorba zde: Eresielin svět
A malůvkotvorba tu: Eresielina čmrkárna
Moje písmotvorba zde: Eresielin svět
A malůvkotvorba tu: Eresielina čmrkárna