Hello, Hello my friend
It seems it's just us in the end
Nopony else but you and me
What a twisted kind of destiny
Fate we shared through out history
now nothing but a faded memory
Replaced by years of seperation
filled with my tears and desperation
When was the last time i saw a smile
how long since i heard that heart-warming laugh
That wonderful lifeful melody
part of a loving symphony
I collapse, finally
It's coming closer, carefully
Like an old friend i haven't seen in years
what a sight, makes me burst into tears
So long with nothing but me here
and you there high above
Just sand and sand
sand ain't enough
Just a drop of water would hit the spot
but alas there ain't no more
Even clouds have been gone
for far too long
But i prevailed, not of my will
nor magic or wit
but my blessed origin
nature's darkest sin
What a joke it's been
The last of my kin
with power of the sun
and length of it's life
Love and friendship had faded
when ponies were no more
moon has crumbled
just as my sister did too
Now it's just me and you
And when you collapse into yourself
and my mane turns red
I'll find my rest
in hooves of my eternal friend
I left them waiting for a while
Hopefully, they'll forgive me for taking my time
I forgave you many, many years ago
But now it's time to go
It's time to let go
Time to answer nature's call
It's time we each take a different road
Your new life and me going home
The bond of sunlight, torn apart
With each end, there's something new to start
it sure took a while but I'm glad we met
Farewell my friend, i'll never forget