13.01.2013, 01:26
kteří pravidelně jezdí
Vorsicht! Grenate!
3 slova
13.01.2013, 01:43
dodat pudingu šmak
Cynik, pokrytec, ignorant, flegmatik, egoista. To jsou mé klady. Mám však i zápory.
Když vás uprostřed noci vzbudí syčící kozí lebka co seskočila z nočního stolku a utekla na pavoučích nohou, bude se vám spát mnohem lépe když zjistíte, kam to sakra zalezla. Se stim smiřte
13.01.2013, 02:06
,draka podobnému discordovi
13.01.2013, 05:57
až na to,
13.01.2013, 09:53
chilli papričky Locos
♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥ ♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥ ♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen truly lost i have only been in those eyes so serene♥ How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
13.01.2013, 10:59
sladké a měl
♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥ ♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥ ♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen truly lost i have only been in those eyes so serene♥ How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
13.01.2013, 11:49
z nich halucinace