31.01.2014, 20:25
Viděl jsem všechny filmy a zrovna čtu Princ dvojí krve
Applejack Twilight is best pony!
Harry Potter
31.01.2014, 20:25
Viděl jsem všechny filmy a zrovna čtu Princ dvojí krve
Applejack Twilight is best pony!
03.02.2014, 01:31
Sub specie aeternitatis
Veritas et scientia Live long and prosper Sekční moderátor
03.02.2014, 09:52
Rowlingová přiznala, že měla raději spárovat Hermionu s Harrym
J K Rowling says Hermione should have married Harry
You didn't choose the thug life. And the thug life didn't choose you either.
It's no problem for me, but it's a problem for you.
03.02.2014, 09:57
Jasně. Harry patří k Dracovi!
You didn't choose the thug life. And the thug life didn't choose you either.
It's no problem for me, but it's a problem for you.
04.02.2014, 10:12
You didn't choose the thug life. And the thug life didn't choose you either.
It's no problem for me, but it's a problem for you.
04.02.2014, 11:18
04.02.2014, 11:28
A tímto se, dámy a pánové, dostáváme do nebezpečných vod potterovského slash fanfictionu
You didn't choose the thug life. And the thug life didn't choose you either.
It's no problem for me, but it's a problem for you.
04.02.2014, 12:14
Raději sem tedy dáme něco na odlehčení.
In Equestria and Jamis we trust. Yay!
♫ Life in Czequestria shimmers... ♫
04.02.2014, 12:30
A trocha "potterhead heavy nerdism"
Obrňte se, bude to dlouhá jízda
You didn't choose the thug life. And the thug life didn't choose you either.
It's no problem for me, but it's a problem for you. |