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Tak mám svojí první legendární kartu z booster packů. King Krush Pinkiesmile. Vzhledem k tomu, že hunter je má oblíbená postava, takže mega luck Pinkiehappy.
@ sc@lix: Fajn, že je další do týmu, ale počítej s tím, že tě ostatní odsud zatím roznesou, ale nenechal se odradit Ajsmug, je to dost poučné zahrát si s někým zkušenějším Pinkiesmile.
You are loved!
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Discord: atakke

Moc sem nechodím, ale na Discordu vždy odpovím Twilightsmile

"Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it." - John Lennon

Příspěvků v tématu
Hearthstone - od Icazo - 28.12.2014, 00:23
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 28.12.2014, 00:36
RE: Hearthstone - od Icazo - 28.12.2014, 00:42
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 28.12.2014, 00:46
RE: Hearthstone - od Alexie - 28.12.2014, 11:53
RE: Hearthstone - od Alexandros - 28.12.2014, 13:45
RE: Hearthstone - od Aidrien Assagir - 28.12.2014, 15:29
RE: Hearthstone - od Aivri - 29.12.2014, 00:06
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 30.12.2014, 12:54
RE: Hearthstone - od Icazo - 30.12.2014, 13:10
RE: Hearthstone - od Raider - 31.12.2014, 10:22
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePinkOne - 07.02.2015, 22:09
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 05.03.2015, 09:06
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 13.03.2015, 22:30
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 13.03.2015, 22:35
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 13.03.2015, 23:10
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 13.03.2015, 23:18
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 13.03.2015, 23:27
RE: Hearthstone - od Alexie - 13.03.2015, 23:51
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 14.03.2015, 16:40
RE: Hearthstone - od Frolda - 14.03.2015, 23:52
RE: Hearthstone - od Shiro neko - 21.04.2015, 19:04
RE: Hearthstone - od Icazo - 21.04.2015, 19:16
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 21.04.2015, 19:19
RE: Hearthstone - od Shiro neko - 21.04.2015, 19:27
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 21.04.2015, 19:38
RE: Hearthstone - od Shiro neko - 21.04.2015, 19:39
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 21.04.2015, 19:42
RE: Hearthstone - od Shiro neko - 21.04.2015, 19:48
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 21.04.2015, 19:52
RE: Hearthstone - od Shiro neko - 21.04.2015, 19:52
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 21.04.2015, 19:59
RE: Hearthstone - od Minetex - 21.04.2015, 20:26
RE: Hearthstone - od FireBolt - 21.04.2015, 20:59
RE: Hearthstone - od Shiro neko - 21.04.2015, 21:08
RE: Hearthstone - od elizabeth558 - 23.04.2015, 11:55
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 23.04.2015, 13:06
RE: Hearthstone - od DanerDragon - 23.04.2015, 19:28
RE: Hearthstone - od Discordian - 23.04.2015, 19:47
RE: Hearthstone - od LightDesh - 23.04.2015, 19:55
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 23.04.2015, 20:37
RE: Hearthstone - od Discordian - 24.04.2015, 00:04
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 24.04.2015, 10:28
RE: Hearthstone - od Discordian - 24.04.2015, 11:11
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 24.04.2015, 14:48
RE: Hearthstone - od PapisekCZE - 24.04.2015, 14:03
RE: Hearthstone - od AleXan - 24.04.2015, 16:49
RE: Hearthstone - od Discordian - 24.04.2015, 17:11
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 24.04.2015, 18:27
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 28.04.2015, 00:46
RE: Hearthstone - od LightDesh - 28.04.2015, 15:46
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 28.04.2015, 17:40
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 28.04.2015, 18:33
RE: Hearthstone - od LightDesh - 28.04.2015, 21:48
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 29.04.2015, 14:04
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 29.04.2015, 14:43
RE: Hearthstone - od sc@lix - 02.05.2015, 23:26
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 03.05.2015, 08:36
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 03.05.2015, 08:45
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 03.05.2015, 08:57
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 03.05.2015, 09:15
RE: Hearthstone - od Minetex - 03.05.2015, 10:17
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 13.06.2015, 23:51
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 03.05.2015, 14:26
RE: Hearthstone - od Icazo - 10.05.2015, 11:23
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 13.06.2015, 16:49
RE: Hearthstone - od RayCode - 13.06.2015, 16:55
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 13.06.2015, 18:25
RE: Hearthstone - od Elchar - 13.06.2015, 19:08
RE: Hearthstone - od sc@lix - 13.06.2015, 19:19
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 18.06.2015, 19:30
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 18.06.2015, 21:38
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 18.06.2015, 22:09
RE: Hearthstone - od AleXan - 18.06.2015, 22:55
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 24.06.2015, 18:03
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 24.06.2015, 20:23
RE: Hearthstone - od Merychetty - 11.07.2015, 15:29
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 22.07.2015, 17:56
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 04.08.2015, 21:24
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 01.10.2015, 23:25
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 02.10.2015, 14:30
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 05.11.2015, 14:21
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 05.11.2015, 18:48
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 05.11.2015, 20:12
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 05.11.2015, 21:22
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 05.11.2015, 21:27
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 05.11.2015, 22:09
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 06.11.2015, 22:55
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 06.11.2015, 23:21
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 06.11.2015, 23:45
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 07.11.2015, 00:09
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 07.11.2015, 08:03
RE: Hearthstone - od Alexie - 07.11.2015, 09:04
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 07.11.2015, 11:18
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 07.11.2015, 14:31
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 07.11.2015, 20:41
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 07.11.2015, 21:14
RE: Hearthstone - od AverageHanzo - 08.11.2015, 00:32
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 07.11.2015, 22:00
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 07.11.2015, 23:15
RE: Hearthstone - od Frolda - 08.11.2015, 06:02
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 08.11.2015, 08:31
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 08.11.2015, 11:20
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 08.11.2015, 11:30
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 08.11.2015, 12:42
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 08.11.2015, 15:48
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 09.11.2015, 13:23
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 09.11.2015, 15:31
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 16.11.2015, 10:52
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 16.11.2015, 16:14
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 17.11.2015, 21:08
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 17.11.2015, 21:20
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 17.11.2015, 21:27
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 19.11.2015, 09:34
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 19.11.2015, 18:11
RE: Hearthstone - od Milda - 19.11.2015, 18:59
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 25.11.2015, 17:28
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 26.11.2015, 00:27
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 26.11.2015, 16:04
RE: Hearthstone - od Flogron - 26.11.2015, 21:58
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 06.12.2015, 16:56
Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 10.12.2015, 14:46
RE: Hearthstone - od Strada2000 - 10.12.2015, 15:56
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 04.02.2016, 15:22
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 04.02.2016, 16:10
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 04.02.2016, 16:40
RE: Hearthstone - od Eryane - 04.02.2016, 16:56
RE: Hearthstone - od AleXan - 04.02.2016, 18:00
RE: Hearthstone - od MidnightShadow - 04.02.2016, 20:09
RE: Hearthstone - od Alexie - 05.02.2016, 01:10
RE: Hearthstone - od ThunderStorm - 05.02.2016, 11:58
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 06.02.2016, 03:58
RE: Hearthstone - od Santhiras - 06.02.2016, 14:51
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 06.02.2016, 17:38
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 16.03.2016, 19:03
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 16.03.2016, 21:49
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 16.03.2016, 22:02
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 18.03.2016, 02:15
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 18.03.2016, 07:32
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 18.03.2016, 10:08
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 19.03.2016, 14:00
RE: Hearthstone - od BatygameCZ - 20.03.2016, 21:27
RE: Hearthstone - od pan_vaflička - 21.03.2016, 12:43
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 21.03.2016, 15:10
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 21.03.2016, 15:22
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 28.04.2016, 15:06
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 28.04.2016, 19:37
RE: Hearthstone - od Tuxik - 28.04.2016, 22:41
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 29.04.2016, 07:48
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 16.06.2016, 15:44
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 16.06.2016, 16:11
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 13.07.2016, 11:58
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 17.08.2016, 21:20
RE: Hearthstone - od ThePepan - 17.08.2016, 21:22
RE: Hearthstone - od Eryane - 17.08.2016, 21:35
RE: Hearthstone - od Atakke - 17.08.2016, 23:59
RE: Hearthstone - od Power PoNy - 16.05.2017, 00:54

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