28.03.2015, 01:39
Možná sem sketa, nebo ne, ale já se na motokary budu dívat jen z dálky když se pude. Osobně mi přijde blbý utratit 170kč za 10 minut zábavy,ostatně tohle mé postavení rozhodně řeší i muj život po 18ti co se nestane if u know what i mean
*searching* Found no results for „my personal talent" (yet)
Welp, they got it.. now i have nothing to write in here... Let's think about it and change it later.
And since.. Sunset probably won't be in season 5...
Sunset in season 6 pleease :3
Welp, they got it.. now i have nothing to write in here... Let's think about it and change it later.
And since.. Sunset probably won't be in season 5...
Sunset in season 6 pleease :3