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Máš BAN !!
Máš BAN, protože já se neučím.

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN, protože bys měl
Máš BAN, protože jsem doma, takže se učit nemusím.

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN, protože jsi socka so se válí doma místo toho aby se vzdělávala XD.
Máš BAN, protože moje inteligence je tak vysoká, že se ve škole, už nic nového nenaučim.

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN,protože kecáš.Ano nic se nenaučíš,ale spíš proto,že toho nejsi schopný.
Máš BAN, protože nekecám. Akorát, nejsem schopný se naučit to, co už umím.

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN,protože toho ale moc není:p
Máš BAN, protože toho je pořád víc, než u tebe Rainbowwild

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN,protože ty nemůžeš vědět co já vím:p

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