19.12.2012, 22:08
Jo a máš BAN.
Jo a máš BAN.
Máš BAN !!
19.12.2012, 22:08
Jo a máš BAN.
19.12.2012, 22:10
![]() ![]() ♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥ ♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥ ♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen truly lost i have only been in those eyes so serene♥ How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
19.12.2012, 22:20
Máš BAN,protože velká Pinkamena tě zničí muhehe
19.12.2012, 22:31
Máš BAN, protože o tom pochybuji. Mé číslo domu zná (z těch šílených) jen Lil' miss Rarity a ta mi nic neudělá
![]() ♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥ ♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥ ♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen truly lost i have only been in those eyes so serene♥ How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
19.12.2012, 22:32
Máš BAN, protože Luna ti sežere záda
19.12.2012, 22:34
Máš BAN, protože mi stojí za zády, ale nic tam nežere
♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥ ♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥ ♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen truly lost i have only been in those eyes so serene♥ How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
19.12.2012, 22:43
Máš BAN, protože jsi ztratil cit v zádech
20.12.2012, 17:58
Máš BAN,protože vysvětlit mému DVD přehrávači,že chci MLP ve formátu 16:9 je příšerně těžké.Resp.to nejde
20.12.2012, 19:08
Máš BAN, protože ty máš DVD MLP originál nebo samozrobený?
20.12.2012, 19:15
Máš BAN, protože já byl dnes v Brně, a mám DVD MLP. bohužel v češtině.
Ne, ne, ne a ještě jednou NE.