01.09.2016, 22:44
Máš BAN, protože tady neni normální nic
if it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?
Máš BAN !!
01.09.2016, 22:44
Máš BAN, protože tady neni normální nic
if it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?
01.09.2016, 22:45
maš ban never im nič vimišlaju si
Odoslane pomocou morzeovky a prijate pomoc sonaru
don't be a retard.be a king ? think not Why be a king when you can be a god ♕Pinkie L♥vers♕ CowponyAJ
01.09.2016, 22:45
Máš ban, protože máš pravdu
"Tak znáte to, srandou to začíná-- A Xenomorfem to končí." Olomoucký bronies sraz
Poezie, próza a dalšie blbiny ode mne a taky Wattpad
01.09.2016, 22:46
Mas ban, lebo nic.
I'm the biggest fan of Luna/Nightmare Moon Well I'm not, someone got over me.
I also really love Celestia and has a thing for Rarity.
01.09.2016, 22:46
Máš BAN za nic
if it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?
01.09.2016, 22:46
maš ban tu nieje hric
Odoslane pomocou morzeovky a prijate pomoc sonaru
don't be a retard.be a king ? think not Why be a king when you can be a god ♕Pinkie L♥vers♕ CowponyAJ
01.09.2016, 22:48
Mas ban, lebo je tu hic
I'm the biggest fan of Luna/Nightmare Moon Well I'm not, someone got over me.
I also really love Celestia and has a thing for Rarity.
01.09.2016, 22:54
Máš ban, protože ležím hlavou na polštáři s Lunou a v posteli.
"Tak znáte to, srandou to začíná-- A Xenomorfem to končí." Olomoucký bronies sraz
Poezie, próza a dalšie blbiny ode mne a taky Wattpad
01.09.2016, 23:05
maš ban ja tu sedim ruka ma boli a ktomu prava ruka
Odoslane pomocou morzeovky a prijate pomoc sonaru
don't be a retard.be a king ? think not Why be a king when you can be a god ♕Pinkie L♥vers♕ CowponyAJ |