1. Friendship is magic part 2
2. Ticket master
3. Applebuck season
4. Griffin the brush-off
5. Dragonshy
6. Look before you sleep
7. Winter wrap up
8. Fall weather friends
9. Suited for success
10. Sonic Rainboom
11. Green isn't your color
12. The Cutiemark chronicles
13. Party of one
1. Return of Harmony part 1
2. Return of Harmony part 2
3. Lesson zero
4. Sisterhooves social
5. May the best pet win
6. Mysterious mare do well
7. Hearth's warming eve
8. The last roundup
9. Read it and weep
10. Putting your hoof down
11. Hurricane Fluttershy
12. Ponyville confidential
13. Canterlot wedding part 1
14. Canterlot wedding part 2
1. Crystal empire part 1
2. Crystal empire part 2
3. Too many Pinkie Pies
4. One bad Apple
5. Sleepless in Ponyville
6. Wonderbolts Academy
7. Magical mystery cure (moja N1 epizóda)
1. Princess Twilight Sparkle part 1
2. Princess Twilight Sparkle part 2
3. Daring don't
4. Flight to the finish
5. Rarity takes Manehattan
6. Rainbow falls
7. Pinkie's pride
8. Filli Vanilli
9. It ain't easy being breezies
10. Maud Pie
11. For Whom the Sweetie Belle toils
12. Leap of faith
13. Testing, Testing 1,2,3
14. Trade ya
15. Twilight's kingdom part 1
16. Twilight's kingdom part 2