01.02.2015, 23:06
Nie ja ti nepoviem!
Prečo som si kupil krabicu?
Prečo som si kupil krabicu?
01.02.2015, 23:20
Asi by si rád, aby sa ti tam zjavila malá Dashie?
![]() Prečo treba dávať bacha na cencúle?
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia "Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage "No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
02.02.2015, 02:32
Sú ostré
![]() Prečo rapídne strnem? Odoslané z Equestrie.
Nový kus nábytku keramický Tree of Harmony, Zlatá Harfa(pony) a Discord Lampa!
![]() Prezývky na počkanie (by me) AleXan sa pustit nechce, nepujde to jen tak lehce... ![]() Mácaman The decisions you make and the actions that follow are reflection of who you are. Song of The Sea Chcete meniaci avatar ako ja? Napíšte mi PM!
02.02.2015, 02:33
![]() prečo by som chcel ríchlejšie starnúť 18,18,18 ![]() ![]() ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥ Hatsune Miku ♥ ♥ I live for anime ♥ ♥ anime is my life ♥ #NIMU NIMU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
02.02.2015, 14:11
Už sa nemôžeš dočkať vecí, ktoré sú pre teba zatiaľ oficiálne zakázané
![]() Prečo HTML5?
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia "Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage "No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
02.02.2015, 14:35
Lebo Fomalhaut
Prečo proxima centauri - A ?
02.02.2015, 15:26
Lebo nie Proxima Centauri - Z. Ideme pekne od začiatku abecedy
![]() Prečo sa u nás nehrá baseball?
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia "Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage "No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
02.02.2015, 15:35
Lebo u nás nie je taky populány ako v Amerike - vlastne okrem basketballu v Európe nehrajú nič také (Rugby, Nascar...)
Prečo idem vo vlaku v kupé na 9gag, začnem sa každých 20 sekúnd potichu smiať (vyznie to ako keby som sa dusil ![]() ![]()
02.02.2015, 22:05
(Tak, ale zase v motoršporte sa vyznám a tie americké súťaže sa mi nepáčia
![]() To sa stáva aj mne, ale to skôr doma, keď niekto príde a ja som práve odišiel od compu, kde bolo práve niečo smiešne ![]() ![]() Prečo Duff Beer?
"It does not matter where you go and what you study, what matters most is what you share with yourself and the world." Princess Twilight Sparkle
"I wanted to remind you that through hard times, one of the greatest gifts you can give is letting your light shine for others." Princess Celestia "Nech se bráti proudem mysli, tam kde řeka snů do reality se vlévá a nech své oči utrápené, plně otevřené a hleď na krásu té hvězdy šesticípé" Drake Damage "No you can't give up your laughter 'cause you're scared of a little pain." Autumn Blaze
02.02.2015, 23:07
Lebo je drahé za značku sa platí
prečo je tu samá twii ![]() ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥ Hatsune Miku ♥ ♥ I live for anime ♥ ♥ anime is my life ♥ #NIMU NIMU ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ |