11.02.2013, 20:39
Nechápu proč se furt ptáš na takovéhle otázky. Neustále Dashie, Dashie a Dashie. Můžeš mluvit i o něčem jiném. Neber to osobně, ale můžeš mluvit i o něčem jiném. Např. someone furt nekecá jenom o FS a mám ho proto o dost radši
Embrace the Darkness
"People are like dice. We throw ourselves in the direction of our choosing..."
MGQ: Paradox
Yuela! You are...beatiful female swordsman
I am not brony, but I visit this site for shit & giggles
"People are like dice. We throw ourselves in the direction of our choosing..."
MGQ: Paradox
Yuela! You are...beatiful female swordsman
I am not brony, but I visit this site for shit & giggles