04.03.2013, 21:56
ToBeA: Nebronymu bude potřeba vysvětlit co je CM, aby netápal. BTW TS není větší než dřív, ne?
krysohmyz: To by chtělo rovnou přidat odkaz na bronies.cz
krysohmyz: To by chtělo rovnou přidat odkaz na bronies.cz
Citace:Dear teacher {jméno},
I would like to be like Twilight Sparkle. (...) And on the top of everything she is modest and she never brag about anything and never abuse her acomplishments and abilities.
Your faithful student,
Brahmavihára – buddhistické L&T
„Maybe next time you will take a second look
and not judge the cover of the book“ – Zecora
ENTP | Ask me and not judge the cover of the book“ – Zecora