26.07.2014, 00:34
Half-Life... Všetky hry na štýl Half-Life hrané a dohrané. BlueShift, Hal-Life1, Opposing Force, Black Mesa, Half-Life 2, Episode1 and 2. A jednoznačne sa teším na trojku .
Darkness accompanies you. Try to think who is actually the wrong one. (I love Dark Twilight Sparkle.)
Skype : kekolime.321
STEAM : Darkness ♫_♥ and Angel ♥_♫
dA : http://darkness6and6angel.deviantart.com
Skype : kekolime.321
STEAM : Darkness ♫_♥ and Angel ♥_♫
dA : http://darkness6and6angel.deviantart.com