15.09.2012, 15:00
Většinou haterské názory nestojí za to, aby byly citovány (a beztak je každý zná), ale tenhle kousek z Youtube si prostě nemůžu nechat ujít, protože taková parodie dopisu o přátelství pro princeznu Celestii se od hatera hned tak nevidí. Takže (v originále):
'' Dear Nigger God
It's easy to hate a certain group when majority of them fap to animals, Cant take opinions (nor trolling), and go into BUTTHURT MODE when they find a "hater". Although some of theses people may have their heads set straight, theres always tem more of them that are ignorant. Some even say they are "friendly", when in reality they are (majority) zoophiles that ALWAYS try to defend the "dark side" of their fandom.
Your Homeboy, Samuael Jackson. ''
'' Dear Nigger God
It's easy to hate a certain group when majority of them fap to animals, Cant take opinions (nor trolling), and go into BUTTHURT MODE when they find a "hater". Although some of theses people may have their heads set straight, theres always tem more of them that are ignorant. Some even say they are "friendly", when in reality they are (majority) zoophiles that ALWAYS try to defend the "dark side" of their fandom.
Your Homeboy, Samuael Jackson. ''
Prominutím schvaluješ to, co jsi prominul a souhlasíš, aby se to stalo znovu.
Člověk by si měl nechat zajít chuť na vracení facek, dokud není schopen si sehnat drátěnou rukavici.
Spravedlnost je víc než vztah.
Člověk by si měl nechat zajít chuť na vracení facek, dokud není schopen si sehnat drátěnou rukavici.
Spravedlnost je víc než vztah.