13.12.2014, 23:30
no, já v práci končím v 15:45 a potom mám volný čas. Tak do půl hodiny bych se snad mohl dostat do čajovny na Sýkoráku. Což znamená, že už od cca 16:30 tam můžu sedět.
Let it Go...Try everything.
How Far I'll Go, on top of the world?
Towards of sun immortals.
When Can I See You Again?
Top of the world.
Telling the world. To the sky!
Just a Dream. Brothers under the Sun
How Far I'll Go, on top of the world?
Towards of sun immortals.
When Can I See You Again?
Top of the world.
Telling the world. To the sky!
Just a Dream. Brothers under the Sun