13.07.2015, 16:25
(Tento příspěvek byl naposledy změněn: 13.07.2015, 16:34 uživatelem Melgarh. Edited 2 times in total.)
Prosel jsem si stranku BFG a jsem z toho hodne rozmrzeli.
Docela znejistila ta informace od Telofyho - ze prej BfG nemaji vubec ucel zlepsit verejne vnimani Bronies jako dobrych jedincu... coz mel byt ale prvni ucel, kdyz se to jmenuje "Bronies4Good".
Ted je to jen nejaka dalsi charita, ktera me moc nezajima...
EDIT: Pridana citace z webu BfG. Opravdu s tim PR je treba neco delat plus tohle jde spatnym smerem, vzhledem k momentalnimu postoji vetsinove spolecnosti, tak to, ze to bylo "ByBronies" byla velmi kriticka komponenta. Ted bych radsi prispel do detskeho domovu radsi a to vcetne cele aukce Czequestrie, nez Bronies 4 Good....
Source Ref.:
Docela znejistila ta informace od Telofyho - ze prej BfG nemaji vubec ucel zlepsit verejne vnimani Bronies jako dobrych jedincu... coz mel byt ale prvni ucel, kdyz se to jmenuje "Bronies4Good".
Ted je to jen nejaka dalsi charita, ktera me moc nezajima...
EDIT: Pridana citace z webu BfG. Opravdu s tim PR je treba neco delat plus tohle jde spatnym smerem, vzhledem k momentalnimu postoji vetsinove spolecnosti, tak to, ze to bylo "ByBronies" byla velmi kriticka komponenta. Ted bych radsi prispel do detskeho domovu radsi a to vcetne cele aukce Czequestrie, nez Bronies 4 Good....
Source Ref.:
Chuck Kopsho says: Napsal(a):Fantastic!!! This is just the thing we need to broaden the breadth and scope of the Brony movement. This’ll hopefully silence our critics when they see what we do. Today, I received an eight-button set that I purchased on ebay, thus I was able to help the cause. God Bless, and good night.
January 10, 2015 at 4:18 am Reply
Telofy says: Napsal(a):We’ve found the seller you were likely referring to on eBay and have asked them to remove our buttons from their sets. They are not affiliated with us, and are not—for all we know—donating their returns to our drive. Sorry about that.
Also thank you for your kind words, but please note that we’re not concerned with the image of the fandom. We want to alleviate the suffering in the world and spread as much happiness as we can. If along the way we happen to disprove prejudice against the fandom, all the better, but that is not part of our agenda.
Thank you again and have a good night as well!
Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !
CZ/SK bronies z.s.
Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !
CZ/SK bronies z.s.