25.04.2018, 12:41
KRAJKHOUR Napsal(a):18 Mar,Hi MidnightShadow,
do you remember me? I am KRAJKHOUR, one of the Czech Bronies who sent you money for the plushies 4 years ago. I would like to talk with with you about that, and I am writing even on behalf of a few others who expressed that they would still like if you delivered on your promises.
Seeing as you seem to be able to produce again, would you renew contact with us (or at least me) and make it right, providing closure for both the people who haven't forgotten and yourself? If you would, provide me with info where I could reliably communicate with you.
I suppose you haven't really worked on those plushies since the last time we spoke. Also you mentioned before that they were WiP, but didn't show any photos of the progress, it would be good if you provided some.
I am looking to your response soon. If you don't mind, I would prefer if you write in Czech.
MidnightShadow Napsal(a):19 Mar,
Predpokladam, ze cokoli napisu bude hned predlozeno ostatim, takze jen strucne.
Dej mi 4 mesice, to je realna doba Celestie dodelat. Behem teto doby bych byla rada, kdyby jsi nikde nic nepsal, potom si muzes psat co chces a kam chces.
Nehodlam vysvetlovat co a jak se kde stalo, ale po tech letech si zivot konecne davam dohromady, dohanim stare resty. Jen chci k tomu mit klid, aniz by me nekdo dalsi bombardoval dotazy, popripade ji necim jinym, prosim.