05.09.2014, 13:13
(Tento příspěvek byl naposledy změněn: 13.02.2015, 15:36 uživatelem Melgarh. Edited 43 times in total.)
![[Obrázek: hwconbanner.png]](http://hwcon.nl/bundles/hwconsite/images/hwconbanner.png)
HWE - Hearths Warming Eve Convention
Link: http://hwcon.nl/
Datum: 20-21st February 2015
Misto: Fokker Event Centre, Hoofddorp, Netherlands (close to Amsterdam)
Rocnik: 1
Cena listku: 29 EUR (1 day)
Ucastni se:
Krajk, Crossie + Marco (No Acc.), Bluebear, Jamis + Madel., Artic Blue, Equrio, Melgarh, Creepyriver, Dusan, houpe, Ithil, Corwin, AdamJ,
Zaplaceno: Creepy (6251), Artic Blue (6281), Melgarh (O'rly), Krajkhour(5423-bez kufru), Ithil (5423-bez kufru), Pidi (6588), Jamis (6600), Dusan (6259), Michy (6281), xsoft (6281), equerio (6200), BlueBear (6300), Houpe (5423-bez kufru), Corwin (6281), iZv (6300), catra (acc-3200),
F-Eve + Marco & Cwossie
Vysledna castka:
Letenka: 2543 Kc
Zavazadlo: 858 Kc
Ubytovani: ~2900 Kc (jeste neni zauctovane, netusim kurz)
Ubytovani (NU): 3200 Kc
Total bez zavazadla: 5423 Kc
Total se zavazadlem: 6281 Kc
Total se zavazadlem (NU): 6581 Kc
Informace jak zaplatit zde: http://bronies.cz/Vlakno-Hearths-Warming...#pid437102
Hearth's Warming Con is the very first Dutch My Little Pony convention for bronies and collector ponies alike. We'll bringing you an evening and a full-day program to celebrate being together in the cold winter.
The convention will take place the 20th and 21st of February 2015, in Hoofddorp near Amsterdam. Check the website or our social media regularly as we keep you posted with more information and we hope to welcome you at the convention!
PREDBEZNA CELKOVA CENA (Letenka, ubytovani, doprava, vstupenka) = 3200 + 3000 + 1400 = 7600 CZK
Letecky pres Easyjet - cena kolem 2800 s vlastnim zavazadlem CT - NE.
Odlet: Praha 18:50 - 20:30 (prilet Amsterdam)
Navrat:: Amsterdam Shiphol 19:20 - 20:50 (prilet Praha)
Dalsi moznost - kombinace s KLM ve CT 9:50 a tim neprijit o cely den! (zdrazeni o ~800 Kc)
~3000 Kc na osobu na 3 noce (CT > NE) v Amsterdamu. Con se nachazi opacnym smerem od letiste, da se tam verejnou dopravou vcelku easy dopravit. Zalezi, zda chceme byt kvuli jednomu dni blize Consitu ci chceme vice byt v Amsterdamu?
Lizemijn Libgott - Nizozemska daberka Fluttershy
Voice actress of the Dutch Fluttershy from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Lizemijn Libgott is a Dutch voice actress, singer and (cartoon)animator. She speaks the voices of Fluttershy from MLP FiM, but also the Dutch Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time, Laura and Sandy from Hamtaro, Disney’s Snowwhite and from Pokémon Nurse Joy, gymleader Gardenia and Mars!
Prilet & Ubytovani & zasobovani.
Pruzkum okoli.
Podrobny pruzkum okoli, nejake ty special pamatky, vecer spolecna vecere a party?
Rano brzky budicek a vyrazime do con-centra. Odjezd pozde vecer ci dle chuti - neni limitovano.
Ve 12:00 check-out a zbezny pajdani po meste, zalezeni do knajpy a pak odjezd na letiste.

Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !
CZ/SK bronies z.s.