04.12.2016, 22:38
Third floor, art. Really, not a clue why every painting is named "A portrait of X with/in Y". Not my category...
Then we entered casamates, that were nothing but a dungeon for political prisoners (originally an arsenal and a warehouse). It was dark, cold and moist. Just like my heart (except for that last one).
Moving from the Spilberk, we've been given a free time in the Brno town. I was wandering around, when...
Stramberskie usi! Finally I had an opportunity to taste them. And about their taste, well, ear-lickin' good!
Then I got into the vehicle and right now I am on my way to Poland back again. So, it is time for me to sum up this trip.
+ At first, I finally visited Czech Republic. Beautiful landscape, beautiful people and beautiful road signs! I counted every passed sign starting with "mimo". 78.
+ For the second, food in here is pretty tasty. What about prices? I have no idea, I am so lost in your currency. Why in the hay a little bun costs 15 kc, while a beer can costs ca. 10 kc?
+ For the third, I really liked the quality in which we were hospitalised. Soft beds, smooth-opening doors, TV, clean toilets and tasty food.
+ Stramberskie usi.
+ The country really cares about historical and cultural places, their restoration and containment.
+ Got a chance to interview five French grenadiers.
- The reenactment event was really made up for public, decicing not to actually perform in a battle, but in a ballet of troops and cannons.
- The second reenactment was much worse.
- No reen shops.
- People working in restaurants are not actually prepared for speaking with a foreigner. I wouldn't actually have my meal if a woman behind the counter wasn't Polish.
- No bronies spotted

I won't conclude if it was worth the price or not. I will just say that this trip teached me a lot and I don't regret going for that. I still think you all are awesome people and I declare I'll be coming to visit you more often.
See ya.
Oh no. We are doomed.