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Máš BAN !!
Máte obě BAN, neb chodíte spát dřív než já Rainbowwild

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN protože to snad ani nejde Rainbowlaugh
if it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?
Máš BAN, protože nikdy neříkej nikdy Pinkiecrazy leda bys byla já, ale to nejsi.. asi Pinkiecrazy

♥grey as the moon and soul of its owner
blue as the coat and eyes of a loner♥

♥Why would a rose grow where nopony can see
Like a rose without thorns is how i feel♥

♥With smile like ripest apple you have ever seen
And eyes like meadow of emerald sheen
truly lost i have only been
in those eyes so serene♥

How are we to explain that We are not lonely to somepony who craves company?
Poems of Moon
Máš BAN protože jsem to neřekla Rainbowwild
if it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?
máš abn lebo mam tu motýly z papíru Rainbowlaugh
Everyone is a mirror that reflects how the world treat them~ Bronya
Liebe ist für alle da
Máš BAN protože origami alebo co?
if it doesn't burn a little, then what's the point of playing with fire?
MAš ban ja jedine čo viem poskladat s papiera su lietadla Rainbowlaugh
Odoslane pomocou morzeovky a  prijate pomoc sonaru
don't be a retard.be a king ? think not Why be a king when you can be a god
♕Pinkie L♥vers♕
Ajsmug  CowponyAJ 
Máš ban, protože neumím vyslovit tvou přezdívku

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Mám Twitter a DeviantArt.

Mám rád čaj. Čaj je fajn.
Máš ban lebo týmto ťa vítam u nás v našom šialenom kútiku Rainbowlaugh
Nový kus nábytku keramický Tree of Harmony, Zlatá Harfa(pony) a Discord Lampa! Flutterryay
Prezývky na počkanie (by me)
AleXan sa pustit nechce,
nepujde to jen tak lehce... Rainbowlaugh

The decisions you make and the actions that follow are reflection of who you are.
Song of The Sea
Chcete meniaci avatar ako ja? Napíšte mi PM!
Moony : yep origami Rainbowlaugh
Alex mában lebo vítá
Everyone is a mirror that reflects how the world treat them~ Bronya
Liebe ist für alle da

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