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S4 - Všeobecná diskuze
Požaduji zdroj, kde jste se dočetli o tom, že by S4 měla být až v lednu.

Překvapuje mě, že se zde nemluví o posledním Q&A od Lauren

Mě zaujaly tyhle věci: (možná by se to do tématu o headcanonu hodilo lépe, ale mohlo by se to týkat i budoucnosti a možných shitstormů)
Citace:Q: Did you have plans for the cmc's eventual cutie marks, or was that open ended?

A: I had plans for Scoots and Belle, but I was still working out Apple Bloom's.
Já doufám, že nebudou blank flanks napořád. Pokud CM nedostanou v S4, bude to už trochu trapné.

Citace:Q: If a unicorn can become an alicorn, can a pegasus or earth pony become one too?

A: In my book, yes.
To by mělo vyřešit dohady.

Citace:Q: What does being a princess in Equestria actually mean?

A: For me it meant having certain responsibilities in terms of running the country--- just like it does in real life. Not sure what it means currently.
Pokud toto ctí i stávající tvůrci, možná spekulace o tom, že Twily už nebude tak moc s kamarádkami, nemusí ukázat jako mylné.

Citace:Q: Lauren, I loved the letters to Celestia, especially when they became a major plot point of the second season's opening in restoring Twilight's faith in her friends using her own words. Were you guys directed to include the letters by the network? Why were they eventually phased out as season 2 went on?

A: When developing the show, I was asked to have some sort of defining "friendship device" in each show. Someone initially suggested some sort of "move," which I thought was kind of terrible. One of the execs and I worked out the Mork and Mindy style letter at the end to define the friendship lesson. I think it worked out well. By Season 2, the Hub said we didn't have to keep doing them, but I liked them and kept them up in Season 2 (did they ever stop them?) They just became so definitive of the show to me, it felt weird to let them go. I think I would've kept them going indefinitely.
Doufám, že v S4 dopisy budou.

Citace:Q: Did you have any characters you wanted to introduce and the voices behind them ala DeLancie and Discord? Perhaps Starswirl the Bearded as another Star Trek alumni?

A: I never, ever, ever assume I can cast a celebrity. Many don't want to slum in cartoons unless it's for a place like Disney, and even then it can be a long shot. Getting John was a shocker to me.

Q: Really? Celebrities have a stigma against doing cartoon voice overs?

A: Yes! We approached a few for SBFF and they all said no!!!
Buďte rádi za Lancieho, smradi Rainbowlaugh

Citace:Q: Did you want to add any new pony type to the show?

A: I had an idea for seaponies. Wasn't sure about it though.
Oh my Celestia

Citace:Q: I've got a question concerning Luna/Nightmare Moon. In the show, we're not told what (if any) evil force may have affected Luna to make her evil. I wanted to ask, was Luna's turn to evil her own decision alone, or was it influenced by some evil force that hasn't been (and might never be) revealed?

A: Aaaaah--- can't answer that. I'd be giving away too much of what I had planned.
Tohle mi osobně přijde nejzajímavější. Myslím, že Lauren měla vymyšlené něco libového. Jsem napnut, jak a jestli se k tomuhle tématu seriál ještě někdy přiblíží.
[19.2.2012 20:06:21] : Jsem dneska zkouknul první epizodu My Little Pony: FiM
[19.2.2012 20:06:53] : Fluttershy je best

OC přepracováno od bloodorangepancakes
Já nemyslel žádný pořádný storyline, jen posloupnost událostí.
Asi jsem to špatně formuloval Pinkiesmile

EDIT: Fun1ku, cca 10-15 stránek zpátky je nějaký link (myslím). A na Twitteru to taky někdo potvrzoval...
První Equestrijský Drakobijcobijec
Fun1k :
Citace:Q: If a unicorn can become an alicorn, can a pegasus or earth pony become one too?

A: In my book, yes.

V knize Twilight Sparkle and The Crystal Heart Spell se uvádí že Cadence byla původně pegas.
"V mém těle bije křišťálové srdce."

Podepsán Deeter Spirit.

Ale přesto to někteří bronies nebrali vážně. Od Lauren ale budou Pinkiesmile
[19.2.2012 20:06:21] : Jsem dneska zkouknul první epizodu My Little Pony: FiM
[19.2.2012 20:06:53] : Fluttershy je best

OC přepracováno od bloodorangepancakes
(08.06.2013, 21:28)Fun1k Napsal(a): Požaduji zdroj, kde jste se dočetli o tom, že by S4 měla být až v lednu.

Překvapuje mě, že se zde nemluví o posledním Q&A od Lauren

Mě zaujaly tyhle věci: (možná by se to do tématu o headcanonu hodilo lépe, ale mohlo by se to týkat i budoucnosti a možných shitstormů)
Citace:Q: Did you have plans for the cmc's eventual cutie marks, or was that open ended?

A: I had plans for Scoots and Belle, but I was still working out Apple Bloom's.
Já doufám, že nebudou blank flanks napořád. Pokud CM nedostanou v S4, bude to už trochu trapné.

Citace:Q: If a unicorn can become an alicorn, can a pegasus or earth pony become one too?

A: In my book, yes.
To by mělo vyřešit dohady.

Citace:Q: What does being a princess in Equestria actually mean?

A: For me it meant having certain responsibilities in terms of running the country--- just like it does in real life. Not sure what it means currently.
Pokud toto ctí i stávající tvůrci, možná spekulace o tom, že Twily už nebude tak moc s kamarádkami, nemusí ukázat jako mylné.

Citace:Q: Lauren, I loved the letters to Celestia, especially when they became a major plot point of the second season's opening in restoring Twilight's faith in her friends using her own words. Were you guys directed to include the letters by the network? Why were they eventually phased out as season 2 went on?

A: When developing the show, I was asked to have some sort of defining "friendship device" in each show. Someone initially suggested some sort of "move," which I thought was kind of terrible. One of the execs and I worked out the Mork and Mindy style letter at the end to define the friendship lesson. I think it worked out well. By Season 2, the Hub said we didn't have to keep doing them, but I liked them and kept them up in Season 2 (did they ever stop them?) They just became so definitive of the show to me, it felt weird to let them go. I think I would've kept them going indefinitely.
Doufám, že v S4 dopisy budou.

Citace:Q: Did you have any characters you wanted to introduce and the voices behind them ala DeLancie and Discord? Perhaps Starswirl the Bearded as another Star Trek alumni?

A: I never, ever, ever assume I can cast a celebrity. Many don't want to slum in cartoons unless it's for a place like Disney, and even then it can be a long shot. Getting John was a shocker to me.

Q: Really? Celebrities have a stigma against doing cartoon voice overs?

A: Yes! We approached a few for SBFF and they all said no!!!
Buďte rádi za Lancieho, smradi Rainbowlaugh

Citace:Q: Did you want to add any new pony type to the show?

A: I had an idea for seaponies. Wasn't sure about it though.
Oh my Celestia

Citace:Q: I've got a question concerning Luna/Nightmare Moon. In the show, we're not told what (if any) evil force may have affected Luna to make her evil. I wanted to ask, was Luna's turn to evil her own decision alone, or was it influenced by some evil force that hasn't been (and might never be) revealed?

A: Aaaaah--- can't answer that. I'd be giving away too much of what I had planned.
Tohle mi osobně přijde nejzajímavější. Myslím, že Lauren měla vymyšlené něco libového. Jsem napnut, jak a jestli se k tomuhle tématu seriál ještě někdy přiblíží.
CMC budu mať cutiemarky?Som dojatý Rainbowkiss
Sunshine sunshine,Ladybugs awake,Clap your hooves and do a little shake!
Měla. Bohužel její plány už nejsou relevantní, musíme počkat, jak se s tím vypořádají stávající tvůrci.
[19.2.2012 20:06:21] : Jsem dneska zkouknul první epizodu My Little Pony: FiM
[19.2.2012 20:06:53] : Fluttershy je best

OC přepracováno od bloodorangepancakes
Citace:Q: I've got a question concerning Luna/Nightmare Moon. In the show, we're not told what (if any) evil force may have affected Luna to make her evil. I wanted to ask, was Luna's turn to evil her own decision alone, or was it influenced by some evil force that hasn't been (and might never be) revealed?

A: Aaaaah--- can't answer that. I'd be giving away too much of what I had planned.

Tohle bylo zodpovezeno v komiksu od 5.teho cisla. Sice ten komiks asi neni canon i kdyz je officialne schvalen Hasbrem ale doplnuje to mezery v Lore na velmi palcive otazky Twilightsmile
Twilightsmile  READ &  RAVE ! djpon3
Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !

CZ/SK bronies z.s.
Vím, ty komiksy jsou skvělé. Ale bohužel se fakt asi nedají počítat jako canon. :/
[19.2.2012 20:06:21] : Jsem dneska zkouknul první epizodu My Little Pony: FiM
[19.2.2012 20:06:53] : Fluttershy je best

OC přepracováno od bloodorangepancakes
Neříkal někdo, že by se měla ve čtvrté sérii učit Twi lítat? O.o
jelikož.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pla...hI#t=1247s

Tam přeci nelítá, jen plachtí.

Vzpomněl sem si na tenhle příspěvek Rainbowlaugh

[spoiler: 1. díl bude Equestria Reloaded a 2. Equestria Revolution.]
Brahmavihára – buddhistické L&T
„Maybe next time you will take a second look
and not judge the cover of the book“
– Zecora
ENTP | Ask me spike letter

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