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Pravidelné páteční srazy, Praha (Vyšehrad)

I still believe it won't rain in the afternoon. Twilightsmile According to ČHMÚ's forecast, it shouldn't. If you're looking at Aladin... well, that seems to say nonsenses for past weeks. It almost never got the showers correctly. Unsuresweetie On the other hand, if you look at the live radar - no clouds heading in our direction. Twilightsmile (Ok, I'll stop trying to pursue sunny day using my mind.)

To answer your question. Dunno, Zlý Časy? But it'll be crowded there. Do we have any other ideas for non-smoking pubs near Vyšehrad? (In case of sudden rain.)

Anyways. I'm planning to arrive between six and half past seven. See ya!
Tom: When we talked about it yesterday on IRC, Alkel recommended http://www.dobramyslenka.cz/
I will probably arrive around 5 pm, maybe 4... Maybe later. It's kinda crazy at work today.
Ok, my group just finished touring Vysehrad. So I'm sitting at a round table near basketball thingy. I have plenty of time (my return bus leaves around midnight), and the weather seems ok.
Have a pony of anything on the table or on you visible - I'm leaving work now and heading to Prague afterwards, others should be nearer though.
Twilightsmile  READ &  RAVE ! djpon3
Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !

CZ/SK bronies z.s.
It will take some time to get there, but around 6 pm I should be there too.

As Melgarh said, leave something MLP related on the table. One incident of this kind in the past was enough for the whole brony history Rainbowlaugh
Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.

The Last Rebel... still alive
Ok, done.

[Obrázek: IMG_20160603_155116.jpg]
I am leaving my office now, expect me between 18-19 hrs.
Update: příjdu mírně později.
Czequestria 2021 stream in works. Další srazy a přednášky jsou v mém webu a YT channelu.
Archiv: Komixový index
Zabrán kulatý stůl, už tu jsme dva Pinkiesmile
První Equestrijský Drakobijcobijec
Dear friends, so sorry... in the time of writing this, I'm still at work, pondering on (almost) lockless algorithms of scheduling rendering of symbols on a screen of a one-handed bandit. I know... but my boss worked with me as well almost up to now, and somehow I could not make myself to leave (especially when I was basically telling him "your solution is overcomplicated, look at mine when I finish it".

Brohoof and snuggle to everyone. Hopefully I will manage next week, and hopefully someone will be there Twilightsmile

Was it a God, who traced this sign, with calm across my tumult stealing,
My troubled heart to joy unsealing,
with impulse, mystic and divine, the powers of Nature here, around my path, revealing?
Am I a God? — so clear mine eyes!
Byla by u někoho ta společná fotka ze včerejška? Twilightsmile

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