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Czequestria 2015 - ohlasy a komentáře
Nemůžu víc než souhlasit. Též jsem si užil akci, zvláště s Keranisem dole v hospodě. Rainbowlaugh Škoda, že hodně hlášek, co padla (náhodou) byla docela sprostá, nebo si je nepamatujeme. Fakt jako sranda byla. Zvláště na závěr Czequestrie nezapomenu. Rainbowwild

Rozhodně peněz (pro mě velká suma), které jsem dal na lístek, tak si myslím, že rozhodně nepřišli nazmar! Práce na tom vidět byla a třeba ne dokonalá, ale nemůže se povést vše. Rozhodně kladů je více než záporů (a to často neříkám). Twilightsmile
Usměj se, zítřek bude horší.

Na bolest hlavy pomáhá Guttalax.
Na starou babičku pomáhá Guttalax.
Na průjem pomáhá Guttalax.
Na zácpu pomůžou Marťánci.
(27.08.2015, 08:55)Keranis Napsal(a): Ta hospoda pod Krakovem taky musela mít tržby - Jenom já tam vypil jedenáct ciderů Rainbowlaugh

Jsou lidé kteří jsou spokojeni s tím že se tam (něčeho) napili. Například já už bych si tam nekoupil ani vodu.
(25.08.2015, 23:30)Cwossie Napsal(a): Nemá náhodou někdo obrázek/scan, jak kartičky letos vypadaly? Autogramiádu jsem totiž propásla prospala Rainbowlaugh

Aaa konecne jsem se k tomu dostal Cwossie!

Podpisove karticky jsou zde:

Bibiana Ondrejkova - Slovenska Applejack
[Obrázek: SKAJ.jpg]

Helena Brabcova - Ceska Applejack
[Obrázek: CZAJ.jpg]
Twilightsmile  READ &  RAVE ! djpon3
Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !

CZ/SK bronies z.s.
My my... kdyby mě někdo hledal, tak jsem si vykopala jámu a nevylezu až do CZQ 2017
Making the world softer, one plushie at the time.

@Cwossie: bohuzel nejsem John Joseco, bylo na to doslova hodka casu a dalsi vec jsme na tebe nechteli hazet, uz takhle jsme te zahltili solidni hromadou veci + designy libuse z tve iniciativy. Nevzpomneli jsme si na to vcas, je nas hold velmi malo (hlavnich orgu) Twilightoops
Twilightsmile  READ &  RAVE ! djpon3
Fancy some DA?
Attending in 2018: Friendship Fest, Japan, Festival Fantazie, 7. Zimní Karaoke party
Wielder of the BassCanon Mk.VIII !

CZ/SK bronies z.s.
@Cwossie: co je na těch designech tak hrozného? Však akorát ty postavy jsou tvé návrhy, tak proč se chceš jít zahrabat?
Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.

The Last Rebel... still alive
Já vím, jen jsem nečekala, kde všude se v tomhle podání objeví (to není vůbec snaha kritizovat tebe, Mele!), vědět to, tak to zase pojmu trochu jinak. Návrh přímo na kartičky jsem nabídla vytvořit, nicméně to asi v organizačním šumu zapadlo Pinkiesmile
Making the world softer, one plushie at the time.

@Cwossie: Ono toho v organizaci zapadlo víc, ač jsme se snažili, aby k tomu nedošlo - on je to fofr pořád ještě teď a ještě pár týdnů bude Twilightsmile

Nicméně... memories keep my smile Pinkiesmile více dnes večer tady.
Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.

The Last Rebel... still alive
Mám za to že se vždycky projeví faktor "Mohl(a) jsem X a Y udělat lépe.."
Cwossie, ber odezvu a výsledek jako opěrný bod pro příště a v potaz feedback. Já si myslím že je to příjemná změna od minula (tím nechci nijak naznačovat že minulé CzQ návrhy a výsledky byly nějak špatné..). Avšak pokud se tvá tvorba někam dostala, znamená to úspěch tak jako tak.

A week has gone by and it's time to reflect on things. Things that happened from 20th to 24th August 2015 to be more precise. Once again I've made my way towards an epic week(end) of Czequestria 2015. Let me say that every single day of this con (and every pre-con day) was awesome. Had a lot of fun getting together with people I haven't seen in a year.

At first there was a bit of a troubleshooting included, and you can believe me there was a lot of trouble, and a lot of shooting. After we've overcome some of the more substantial problems like "What songs are we going to play?", "Who will sing?", and "Can we play the songs at all?" we've decided to enjoy some of the things that were planned for us by the CZEQ staff. Speaking of which, the LARP was awesome. KUDOS to the whole team assembled by Tom. They made the heat of a very sunny day a bit more bearable (especially the Diamond Dog NPCs). The pre-con party was alright although the air temperature was unbearable at times. Also, tiredness started to manifest.

The first day of the con was awesome but a bit hectic. Saw a lot of old friends, made some new friends. Talked a lot, checked if my karaoke skills haven't rusted (they haven't!). In the afternoon there was a soundcheck. Nothing else. Spent 5 hours getting set up, adjusting the sound levels, patches, and generally rehearsing. I have to express a LOT of gratitude to the sound engineering team of D'Artagnan & Vojta. Although they had another panel they needed to work on, they managed to do their best to make us sound good. One thing that couldn't be adjusted was the sound of the room. The reflections from the wood panels were very confusing. Using my headphones did some good to counteract the issue, but made me not hear the people I was playing with. Regarding the quality of my part of the show, I'm very sorry for the screw ups. Right from the beginning I've butchered the awesome "Sky And Me" by starting to sing an octave lower (stupid!!!) than what we rehearsed. Another thing I could have adjusted is my song choice. Have to be more careful about that in the future. A lot of people left the Grand Hall to get drinks when I started to play. Cheers to the ones that didn't keep me hanging, and helped me through my rendition of "The Otherside" and "The Final Trees" by Tarby (who is an awesome person, and you should check out his musical work.....DO IT NOW!). After the show I was momentarily in a fail-induced bad mood. Have to thank the ever-hyper Autumnbreeze, Melgarh, Jamis, and all the people that talked some sense to me and cheered me up. Sometimes I'm an ass. The last thing that happened on Saturday night was show of an entirely different kind. Couple fisticuffs and phone calls later, the situation was swiftly rectified by the police. Cheers mates!

Sunday started out with some more trouble. The car I was driving signaled lack of cooling fluid. This resulted in a 15-minute delay in our arrival to the con space. We've started out with the musicians panel, which was largely improvised. We (The Wasteland Wailers) were joined by Andy from Przewalski's Ponies and DJ Aerial.After that I've spent some quality time at the rockband stall, torturing the guitar, the piano, and the drums. Stuff was awesome. In the afternoon we did The Overmare Studios panel. The main focus of this panel was the presentation of the playable demo & a lengthy Q&A session. After this panel my lack of sleep started to show. I've spent the rest of the con in a zombie-like state. Regretfully I had to skip the afterparty, because I needed to drive back home on Monday at 02:30.
All in all, CZEQ2015 was an awesome experience. A big thank you to the staff. Enjoy your one year break. I'm looking forward to attending CZEQ2017. Rock on!!!


P.S.: Once again I have to thank Pinkie (Ponka). She made my weekend again  Pinkiehappy

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